Spiders are found everywhere on Mundus. However, these are bigger, colder, and spikier than the ones found on Tamriel! The Atmoran Ice Spider found a way to survive in the cold and developed strong mandibles - most likely used for cutting through frozen food.

3D by gurulion

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One species of ray-like rockclinger descendants have embraced a predatory lifestyle, which captures small prey through suction force before shredding them with sharpened gill rakers. Because it is the Batman-ta ray.

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Some rockclinger species loosened their grips on the rocks and embraced a fully nektonic lifestyle, like this man-ta ray that nevertheless retains claws on its flattened feet.

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The menacing rockclinger tries to ward off posthuman predators with an intimidating display resembling an angry two-pupiled pair of eyes, seeking to captivate them until it finds an opening to flee or the predator leaves.

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Related to the marnacles, the rockclinger posthumans attach to rocks with clawed feet to filter-feed before detaching and swimming elsewhere. Marnacle newborns resemble highly simplified versions of these creatures.

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Basal marnacles like this red stalk marnacle dangle from a stalk and holdfast derived from their legs and their feet, respectively. How male marnacles reach their nearby female counterparts should be fairly obvious.

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A terrestrial carcinanthropid, the miteman, that lives like an arachnid mite on Earth.

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Before there were werewhales, before there were plectropods, before there were meals, there was this creature living a similar predatory lifestyle to its descendants, but on a centimetric scale.

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Flora is a Nephlin,but she also has a DT!Her name is Azazel and she's a awakened demon who served Mundus long ago,he tried to take the throne but died in the hands of Sparda,he said he'd came back to fulfill the job and did!

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Carcinization is quite a common adaptation for creatures on Earth. With thirty-six million years to deviate from a tiny planktonic posthuman ancestor of basic human morphology, why not on Anthropomundus as well?

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May 2, 1602, birthday of German Jesuit Athanasius Kircher. He imagined Earth's section in his "Mundus Subterraneus" (1664-1665) as crossed by veins of water and fire 🌋

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Posthumans are incredibly diverse on Anthropomundus, often so divergent that they're barely recognizable... just barely.

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A slightly smaller (five-meter males, three-meter females) but still-quite-imposing elephant meal, who engages in massive melees for mating rights consisting of territorial roars, body slams and grievous injuries to the proboscis.

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SL - ZALEM 2017 - 2019
Concept : Coma Berenices / Hair made of gemstone for conjuring / Power of the Witches from Zalem

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「Hic mundus quem dedisti mihi in aeternum permanebit...」

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Will I beat DMC1 DMD THIS time? Well, I've got three hours to beat Mundus before I gotta sleep for work again so uh


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AG'WAYEN RAWUD (a.k.a. Aquareyna)—Lakan of the Great Waters; Queen of the Rawudans (i.g. sirena, kataw, siokoy, litao)

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