Mutant Hound Collar bought for 79.69 ETH (106,273.78 USD) on Opensea

143 442

Mutant Hound Collar bought for 75.00 ETH (94,706.25 USD) on X2Y2 via Blur

87 228

A Baby Paperhand Approved Message 📰 🤚

💰Price: FREE
⚖️Supply: 1800
*If we Mint 100% by 11th Jan & will take place for holders🐺

3 4

Over 5000 Eth in Volume!

When are getting their Dog tags? 🤔

3 9

Time to stop sleeping on 😈😈😈 is building something big and hounds will be let loose soon 🔥🔥🔥

18 52

Who ever owns a follow me!! So I can follow you back!!

8 51

Mutant Hound Collar bought for 64.69 ETH (76,939.70 USD) on X2Y2

16 42

Mutant Hound Collar bought for 39.00 ETH (47,225.10 USD) on Opensea

4 12

Hey Fam and gang!!
I just aped in with Mutant 2194! He'll be my little henchman taking my Mega Mutant Houd outside!

21 129

It happened. Cancel that public mint because are sold out and running baby. !howl

13 72

My first entry to is a MutantHounds !
Mutant Cartel awesome !!

Get ready to Super Reveal !!!🚀🌈

0 3

Apologize for recent tweet. Some how posted the wrong Mutant Cartel page. Super excited for the and everything both teams have built from and . This collection is going to do big things. !howl

11 55