I don't have any new art (what is time even?), but enjoy some oldies, happy

22 78

Happy There's no shepard without vakarian

0 0

Happy Thank you for some amazing games.

2 4

🚀 Happy 🚀

The Mass Effect trilogy still means so much to me, Shepard was the first armoured cosplay I ever did and since then she's become the driving force behind improving my skills in order to do her justice ✨ Here's to many more years exploring the stars...

40 175

Happy My Mass Effect prints collected in one tweet for today :3

25 70

Happy Here are some of my fav Mass Effect pieces from my art files 😆😆

52 101

A late addition to Based off the Spectre movie poster.

3 9

Happy I normally don't do fanart, but I just love Tali'Zorah and .

13 35