아 뿌이뿌이뿌이뿌이~!!!
모죠의 일지 패러디입니다 (의성어를 영어로 어떻게 해야할지 몰라서 그냥 댑으로 바꿔버렸어요...ㅋㅋㅋ)

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저렴하게 네온이 얼굴 궁예중... 분명 파티피플+밝음의 조합인데 자꾸 무덤덤하게 그려져요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그래도 미중년... 쵝오.....

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so many details cant not draw... (メ゚Д゚)メ

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“Angle style!”
There is absolutely no reason for this, except I wanted to play with brushes

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After playing the sims, and watching Neon J deadass become a gamer grandpa on there, I had the strong urge to doodle him before I get back to messing around

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Santa J on a mission to give kisses, toys and love!

14 61

It seemed strange to me that this had not been done before

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The NSR Night Club came together today and we did our first art collab! Presenting: 1010 Pajama Party!
, , , , and myself came together and drew the boys all together!

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