This is Chelsey who will be with me early on my Need For Speed Heat adventure

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Es algo asi como un ritual sagrado para antes de empezar a laburar, o quizas a Gigi le gustan las pelis ochentosas...

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cyanide on my breath.
continuing these lyric style type of videos ~

7 25

K.S Editionて、ランエボXだからリョウ・ワタナベかと思ったんだけど、
K.S って誰だ?🤔


5 26

Digital pre-orders open for video game on consoles

1 4

trying to make payback not look so ugly.. not a NFS video unless I rep these absolute legends.

5 60

Last dabble edit, before going back to irl videos! make sure to check out the full version.

9 27

Potato ass computer wants to die but definitely well worth it making this weeks video haha <3

4 42


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