Round 2! Who is the best villain of these 4? Let me know your thoughts!

Crash Bandicoot: Dr. Neo Cortex
Sonic the Hedgehog: Dr. Robotnik
Ratchet and Clank: Dr. Nefarious
Mega Man: Dr. Wily

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I'm happy with how I draw Twinsanity Cortex now and made a Ref sheet just.. because? I do plan to try and do like 3 Twinsanity audios this year so having this doesn't hurt lol

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『All-Night master』


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I need to practice walk cycles and I figured why not start with Cortex.

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Artfol Xmas event, day 19


Big red sock of little guys that brings me serotonin <3<3

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Second attempt at drawing Cortex.
In comparison to the first one I did, he looks way much better! For me at least.

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Day 35
Yes I'm doing the challenge as well~ Who would I be if I didn't Draw my Fave Puppet as my Fave Evil Genius???

7 34

Cleaned this up so I have good refs for when I start cleanup tomorrow. I'm hoping to get the animation out by the end of the month.

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Dr. Neo Cortex is the main character of the Crash Bandicoot series. Game cursor with Crash Bandicoot Dr. Neo Cortex and Ray Gun.

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Nina tried on Cortex's outfit. He thinks she looks fantastic in it!

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estoy re haciendo un comic.. espero lograrlo y no morir en el intento

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