for is Vespidopple, the Darigan Buzz rogue. She uses her flight and disguise magic to get close to her targets, before poisoning them with her venom sting. She technically works for money, but she often ends up working for the darker side of Neopia.

0 6

These guys don't look like they are up to very nice things.

3 29

Retroactor is the Secret Laboratory's only failure... so far. This Hissi changed to a Faerie color from another timeline, and when the real ones were discovered, Retroactor's rage and loneliness warped space around him. Beware his glitchy breath!

1 11

I present to you Cedric, the royal food taster who in his spare time venture to different eateries to inspect the cleanliness and food quality just so that nobody gets poisoned 🍽️😌❤️

1 4

Here's Gelatina, she has a gun the shoots blue goop that dissolves anything. ...Otherwise, she's just a normal Jelly Techo.

2 7

Falconer served in the Brightvale military during the Battle for Meridell in which him and his unit campaigned relentlessly for the liberation of the Meridell people from the evil Lord Kass

He now desires a quiet life in the country.

4 32

There's nothing particularly special about this omelette it just wasn't flipped well.

Presenting my Badly Flipped Omelette

Whoever failed at flipping this omelette must be a complete loser.

1 7

I didn't think much more about him other than his design, but here he is.

5 19

Definitely getting in on the fun for Neo Creation week! First up, an omelette celebrating the best faerie eve--hey wait a minute--!!

(Especially since it ends on my birthday*coughcough* september 4th *cough* )

7 49

My entry for for the at !
As a civilian, she is just a cranky and spooky Acara Halloween, but sometimes she transforms into Miss Valentine, spreading love and positivity <3

1 11

The Bomblette! They say this omelette has an explosive flavor.

0 2

PT-BR: Mais um, um Omelete Doce :D

EN: Another one, a Candy Omelette :D

2 5

Here's for the !
Based on my own pet, Curipexia, this hero posses a special sword capable of cutting over every type of surface!
Bad guys, beware the Red Cutter!

4 32

Sea Sentinel was once a normal Hissi that always got lost in the ruins of Old Maraqua. But when they found an ancient Utility Fish known as the Armorfish, they swore to patrol the dangerous waters, helping anyone lost at sea from its many dangers!

4 9

Magical Girl, Glitter Twinkle! Average Usul in Neoschool by day, Magical girl by night!Unlike defenders of Neopia, she puts more style into her attacks, All her attacks are very glittery!

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Resurrected my account just to participate in the lol
Made a Galaxy Omelette! I just finished the Altador Plot and was inspired by the constellations o3o

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I present the Peaches and Cream Omelette: "The perfect combination of sweet and eggy flavors. YUM!"

7 82

My Neopets Omelette would be a Tofu Omelette with Sloth Broccoli and Sroom Fruit with a drizzle of vegan cheese. Mmmm! Whatcha think, ? More vegetarian and vegan foods, please! ^.^

0 2

My contribution to !! A rainbow jelly omelette for !!
Even went ahead and made 2/3 and 1/3 versions ^^

3 30