Man, I Love this part. ❤️E.B and Luca is the next Cartoon Ship Couple. Animation movement is gorgeous. every frame rate of the show this. why we need , season 2 take a long with 3 or 4 years to make sure animation is a cinema even not a movie.

8 15

Negotiations are still on going, but we're not stopping until we get a new deal, its the only option

15 57

Reminder that animation negotiations are STILL GOING - I think they're trying to stop our momentum. This is a time we all need to stand together and uplift each other, be involved, active, and make the animation community a fair and safe place for everyone.

211 508

The pure quantity of exciting new animated content coming out this month alone is all the evidence you need of how much animation continues to carry entertainment, even with the pandemic winding down.

Make its treatment reflect that.

55 169

Gonna use some of my favorite shows that I wrote on. QT your favorite animated shows and movies. Include (because it's a medium, not a genre), and (to show support for the people who make them)

5 20

Animation, to me, is a canvas to create new, transcending and personal stories that viewers can feel and resonate to. Movies shown:

Your Name (Japan)
Boy and the World (Brazil)
Funan (France/Cambodia)
Tatsumi (Singapore)

7 21

We all miss you tord.
Also season 3 of glitch techs could have been true 💀

3 7

I will always repeat and remind you all that It's an amazing artistic medium that is brought to life by talented people who tell such fantastic stories. It helped me get through a lot and these people really deserve more respect.

96 258

As a big admirer of animation, I know that it’s not a genre it’s a medium; and animation can do so much beyond the realms of reality and everyone in the industry deserves our credit and respect 🙂✊🏾 💗#AnimationIsForEveryone

19 50

With endless story possibilities and unique ways of stylizing them, animation has a lot to admire as perhaps the ultimate art form.
It and the people putting painstaking time and effort to it deserve all the respect ✊🏿 ✍️.

30 84

Not only is but the people who work on them work damn hard with what they're given. And yet time and time again, studios underpay and overwork their employees while the medium has been treated as a joke. There needs to be a (2/2)

42 95

Don't let the AMPTP win! Fight back today by posting a GIF from your favorite animated shows or movies with the hashing Support TAG negotiators and animation workers!

7 11

this is getting us somewhere right?

0 1

Don't let the AMPTP win! Fight back today by posting a GIF from your favorite animated shows or movies with the hashtag Support TAG negotiators and animation workers!

0 7

I’m absolutely loving all the criticism the Oscar’s are getting for the portrayal of animated films being just for kids. Here’s a few films/series that are definitely not for kids…

0 1

The idea that "animation is for kids" has been outdated for a long time, yet there are still those who treats it as a joke and calls it a genre. It's a MEDIUM, and an artistic one at that. People work hard on them, and they deserves more credit and respect.

166 528

It has LITERALLY BEEN 15 YEARS SINCE NETFLIX BEGAN STREAMING; their net income in 2021 was over $5,000,000,000 ($5bil)

Streaming is not new, it's not experimental. If streaming was a person, they'd be getting a learning permit to drive in some states.

132 387

I have been in the animation industry since 2013, or longer then I remember because this was the most inspiring thing I come across from any other media. plus for years I enjoying work with others to make animation a special place and want to be recognisable...

3 9