006 - Lucina

If I had to pick just one character to represent FE it'd be Lucina.
Awakening really plays like a love letter to the franchise as a whole!
Lucina has elements from so many of the lords like Marth/Seliph, all while having such a great arc herself!

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005- Kirby

It almost feels like cheating to upload such a simple character, but hey-Kirby is everyone's best friend, so it's important to have him here!

As always, he is hug shaped.

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004- Red

Pikachu will get their own dedicated picture eventually, but for now I wanted to focus on some of the notable trainers from the Pokemon Games rather than just the Pokemon themselves!

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003- Agent 3

I freaked out when I saw Agent 3 in the trailer for the Octo Expansion. Bringing the silent protagonist you played as in one game back in another game as an NPC is one of my favorite tropes ever!?

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002- Link

This Link is based more on the Zelda1/Alttp/Albw Link,
but other specific Links, (such as Hero of Time Link and Champion Link,) will get their own art as well eventually!

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