Good evening - how is everyone tonight??

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Getting ready for Apple day 🍎 where I will be storytelling from my new book, title to be revealed this week 🐷#norfolkhour

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Off to watch more Netflix (and write an article lol) hope I can keep awake

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PLEASE RT The contest is up now- we are looking for artists and writers (More info

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Midnight is the deadline for our variant art cover contest, we've had some phenomenal entries!

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Please be fab and check out this trailer for ' Alice In Wonderland (Art by Piyther)

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Have you seen this yet ? Check out work Maddermarket Theatre weekdays & during shows this month

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20 Group members Chedgey & John Rance exhibiting PV tomorrow evening & on till 15 April

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Calling all 13-19yr olds!! Free Photography workshop over the Easter Hols. Call 01493 743946 for details or book

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My website for is now live. Great project to work on & support going forward

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Good evening check out this fab fanart and Jed Soriano

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Happy new year everyone. Looking forward to sharing Torp’s new adventure in 2017.

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The is popular destinations for contributes £7bn to economy - so new is good news for

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A sneak preview of what's on offer at our craft fair this Saturday 10am-3.30pm

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