//=time() ?>
Interning at ZakuraTech isn't terrible; but there's plenty of pressure to excel. Butt, for those who do well though, like @TabbyWoof here, can look forward to getting a Cushy Po-sit-ion as an understudy.
🎨 @Skippy_Lynn
#NothingButt #Macro
Zyro (@Zyro_dragon) likes making money but isn't banking on local interest rates helping him grow his account any time soon. So instead the loomadragon has decided he'd prefer to be sitting pretty after a little Ass-et Seizure of his own.
🎨 @Skippy_Lynn
#NothingButt #Macro
Binders aren't the only thing thicc in the local archive - a fact that often leaves Camelia (@VulpesMaximus) li-buried in trouble of her own making. There's no limit to the accidents that Book End of hers causes!
🎨 @Skippy_Lynn
#NothingButt #macro
Finneon ( @Finn10492460 ) has had it up to *here* with the short jokes! The royal fen upsizes his domain to make nay sayers turn tail and run. And while he's on scale; he starts Cheeking Havoc with his princely posterior !
🎨 @emithegoat + @goattrain
#NothingButt #macro
Victorinox doesn't think its very air-fair to charge such high fees for premium seating; so after nicking some height she bums a po-sitition in First Cl-Ass on the company's dime.
Hope Swiss Air doesn't miss this flight...
🎨 @Skippy_Lynn
#NothingButt #macro
Keese ( @keese3040 ) oughta beware resting in Glacials bearritory. Now he's caught under her bear bottom. She'd get up - butt maybe a little time under her icerbergs will make him observe Ass-signed Seating orders more closely!
🎨 @Skippy_Lynn
#NothingButt #MacroMonday
Of course I had to do this
#kkslider #kkslideralbum #brokenmachine #nothingbutthieves
Guardian Serga (@dylanstrategie ) thought he could apprehend size thief Sofia, butt now hes wedged between a pup and a hard space. Poor primitive gear can't stop science collies; looks you're just Behind the Curve, Dylan.
🎨 @emithegoat + @goattrain
#NothingButt #MacroMonday
Aw dangit Gordon ( @Voraverit ) didja hoof to go that big? Guess the reverse setting on the size beam has alota horsepower behind it; Gordens gotten so big he's Butting In to another stickerpack entirely!
🎨 @emithegoat + @goattrain
S̶P̶S̶2̶0̶2̶0̶ #NothingButt #SizeTwitter
Zed ( @ZedSilverclaw ) often bills himself as a master thief; but looks like he's just a master beneath after bungling a purse grab from Sofia. Now he's suffering a loose change of height after this Embar-ass-ing Failure.
🎨 @emithegoat + @goattrain
#NothingButt #Butt #micro
Jamie ( @Mt_Jamie_Larsen ) thought she was sitting pretty onTop Dog Sofia, til the collie turned the tables on her. Now the bun is rear-gretting things after Sofias makes her sit down with a harsh Re-Butt-le
🎨 @emithegoat + @goattrain
#NothingButt #Butt #macro
Oh jeez. Guess @ExMuffins really got growing with that size gain! The immense raccoon is big enough to influence the tides now; and seems to have acquired a Sat-elite of his own!
🎨 @emithegoat + @goattrain
#nothingbutt #macro
Some cheeky micro tried to sneak a peek at @OceanOtter while they were swapping out shorts - but there's Nullthing to See Here! The Pg-13 ott doesn't like leaving fans bummed out - so Otter gives em' some priority seating!
🎨 @Skippy_Lynn
#NothingButt #FatAssFriday #macro
Vector's ( @vectorwuff ) bombastic bum is outta this world and the titanic tush hound is showing the solar system what asstronomers should really appreciate. Move over Moon! Shift aside Saturn; its Nothing Butt wuff around here!
🎨 @Skippy_Lynn
#NothingButt #FatAssFriday
. @alittlefawn is anything butt; she's been snacking on micros and cookie doe and it shows! After upping her cervine-size she's ended up rocking a Deeriere that's off the score chart.
🎨 @Skippy_Lynn
#NothingButt #macromonday #macro
Leon ( @LeonLeonardo ) knows if it fits he sits; and for anyone else thems the pits!
And for the big kitty sitting pretty things are rosy cozy; but for lil blue below?
Well its pretty Cat-ass-trophic !
🎨 @Skippy_Lynn
#NothingButt #macromonday #macro
Year of the Rat; Day of the Squeak -
Be careful if you give them any cheek;
They'll put a rodent in your plans,
Cos whiskers like @Otts_an_ends use their cans,
to Ass-assinate dispensers of unwarranted critique.
🎨 @Skippy_Lynn
#NothingButt #macro #squeak
Don't get caught staring! Ranek ( @RanekM ) gets busted sneaking a peek and ends up a cheeky tail ornament since he wants to bum about gawking. Looped on a tail ring, Sofia makes sure the meercat gets his fill of her Bootiful Display.
🎨 @Skippy_Lynn
#NothingButt #macro
In Sovie-sit Russia; you tread on tank.
as Kit Tiger ( @Dotcom656 ) demonseats.
🎨 @Skippy_Lynn
#NothingButt #macro
Riggi ( @GalaxyTigress ) knows you have to throw your weight around to get things done, especially when running into resits-tance. @NotFlamm discovers why not to get in the way of that mewty when Tush comes to Shove.
🎨 @goattrain + @emithegoat
#NothingButt #macro #macromarch