I had some free time so I created an outfit for my rogue Rossë for the of ^^ She is not into pompous dresses hehe
Thank you for the lovely event!! 🥰

15 84

My Tea Elf is here to attend Faebelina's ! She's a bit nervous about speaking with the other guests, but if you wanna get her talking bring up the finer points of magic and tea. 🧙🫖🦢

3 30

Brianne wanted to go to 's and wear something ridiculous. The dress idea isn't mine. I had a picture in my reference folder but the only source I found was pinterest. It was fitting for the occasion and Bri asked to wear it now that she is "Countess".

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Shiranui is ready for Faeb’s and can’t wait to see everyone else there! 🌺

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Apep the Lord of Chaos he is ready for the party

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Vaeni is ready for Faeb's garden party - she's even brought some snacks!

82 462

It's that time again!! Faeb has a cup of tea waiting just for you <3

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