Listed %
OG+GC 5.37%
OG+S2 3.37%
OG+S2 6.33%
S1+S2 10.17%

5 15

we Mfers at think Privat couldn’t have a cigar without also having a fat stack of $0.2 Bills.

4 31

Check your wallet Mfer… A little gift from the Mfers at to the de’ Medici’s of

0 4

Hey , These NFT's are right up your alley. . What you think?

3 22

Jerry fell in the river the other day, now him and his New Balances are glowing. Never seen someone mow their lawn so fast

6 10

Dallas Snobby Club, starring our very own Albus Snobbottom a local lettuce mogul 🎬

3 7

is an NFT that actually has a voice and says something about the times we live in. A premature monument to the death of fiat. Also looks as good hanging on a wall as it does in your wallet.

6 35

Day 67 of shilling to and . project is a tribute to the death of our current financial system. It ushers in a new age of tech and finance, using and Support our journey! See some examples below from my private collection 👀

5 15

Hey tell your acquaintance from the other chain , to give us a look and I’ll get them well on their way to their first bill.

5 29

Day 65 of shilling to and . project and the community that has been created around it , is the most sophisticated and technologically advanced engine, you may ever see on the blockchain. Let the draw you in, and see for yourself.

15 49

⛳️ Gimme’s ⛳️

Randomly paired IRL benefits with the Old Money Snob NFTs…

💲 head cover
= Trip to event fully paid for

4 9

Hey . Just heard the news that you’re stepping into the wild world of ! Lemme get you hooked up with some ? Check us out below. If you like it , let’s make it happen!

4 23

Hey , not sure if has hit your radar yet , but if it hasn’t- let me be “that guy” we’ve got one of the most inclusive communities in the space . The art is top tier , and the developer is , stellar. Examples below . Let’s get you your first bill.

8 37

You’re in the market , and we’ve got the product . . Peep this sick ass Btw , we are the first project to have a produced music video about our project . Check out the art and let me know if you want to see the video!

7 32

⛳️ Gimme’s ⛳️

Randomly paired IRL benefits with the Snob NFTs…

✈️ head cover
= Private air travel to member guest

Disclaimer: Crying babies onboard not 🚫 included (unless explicitly requested) 🙄

5 8

Good morning . You've been a p[art of long before the project was birthed. You are forever immortalized in our LXI paper. Would love to have you check us out and I can hook you up with your first bill from us!

8 48

Hey Ive watched your videos forever. Have you ever considered getting into the world? I am a mod for a project called We've got a very amazing collection of bills which you may be interested in. You dont need to buy, but you should give us a look!

5 24

Hey . Did I see you creeping around in the trenches over at the Ladies Night auction for ? Have you got a bill yet? Lets make this a reality if not.

4 36

Space Cadet Snob reporting for duty. Keep him out of the sun and he’ll be fine 🫡

6 11