⭐️ By. Vegalia is a multi-disciplinary artist making and selling a popular collection of over 50 different curl brushes and more than 40 braid brushes for illustrating several types of hair such as curls, coils, braids, plaits, twists, baby hair, and much more.

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I never paint realistically anymore in oils, i moved on from that quite a while ago but I still like this painting a lot (2017) https://t.co/eX0nMZxAQ4

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🌟 By. Vegalia is a multi-disciplinary artist making and selling a popular collection of over 50 different curl brushes and more than 40 braid brushes for illustrating several types of hair such as curls, coils, braids, plaits, twists, baby hair, and much more.

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"My birth is as low as a man's can get, no septon's ever smeared my head with oils, I don't own any castles, and my queen wears furs and amber, not silk and sapphires. I am my own champion, my own fool, and my own harpist.” - Jon X, aSoS

Mance Rayder and his woman Dalla

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⚡️ By. Vegalia is a multi-disciplinary artist making and selling a popular collection of over 50 different curl brushes and more than 40 braid brushes for illustrating several types of hair such as curls, coils, braids, plaits, twists, baby hair, and much more.

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Celestial Comfort: staying with Phoebe Anna Traquair, this week's is all about depictions of mortals comforted by Angels; a theme which she frequently returned to in a variety of media including oils, embroidery & enamels...

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☄️ By. Vegalia is a multi-disciplinary artist making and selling a popular collection of over 50 different curl brushes and more than 40 braid brushes for illustrating several types of hair such as curls, coils, braids, plaits, twists, baby hair, and much more.

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Good morning. For here's 'Leonidas'.
He's quite a large, handsome soul, created using oil paints on canvas.
Take care lovely people and when I've got some new oils, hopefully Leonidas will be finished.🧡

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Welcome to Devil Land, the premier horror-themed amusement park for only the bravest boils, ghouls, and gremlins…

and reunite for hitting comics shops October 5th. Pre-order now using Diamond Code MAY228047!

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AM I THE ONLY ONE AROUND HERE THAT GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THE RULES??, me, oils, 2022 by billford3 via /r/Art https://t.co/XbmtW79zaG

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Theos KE Polemos combat FOILs, big ass anti-FOIL shettiers (TKP flechette weaponry), amusing hashtag, I'm down.

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Usubilu had right where he wanted, so he reassured him that he would be safe and sound in his coils, with a tight squeeze. (4/?)

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🔥 By. Vegalia is a multi-disciplinary artist making and selling a popular collection of over 50 different curl brushes and more than 40 braid brushes for illustrating several types of hair such as curls, coils, braids, plaits, twists, baby hair, and much more.

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Broken glasses, me, oils, 2022 by alaiganuza via /r/Art https://t.co/D4vcwXD9K1

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"Broken glasses, me, oils, 2022" posted by /u/alaiganuza: https://t.co/31T3TRhVEd

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We both know you enjoy tail coils, don't you?

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✨ By. Vegalia is a multi-disciplinary artist making and selling a popular collection of over 50 different curl brushes and more than 40 braid brushes for illustrating several types of hair such as curls, coils, braids, plaits, twists, baby hair, and much more.

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Painting with Krita since 2011. I have created Crayons, Charcoal, Pencils, Oil, Pastel, Oils, Watercolor, any medium... Krita is something really big. more in https://t.co/JBjRV5JHUg

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