Today has been a mostly sitting in front of the TV watching the and whilst I love the winter sports I do ❤ the graphics that go with the promotion of the olympics. These ones are definitely my favourite graphics. Bright, simple & clean🎨 Which are yours?

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ぴょんちゃん と おりんぴっく

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We can't wait to watch the What's your favourite winter sport? loves to ski!

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いよいよ 始りました!

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Yuri on Ice at the Olympics. I LOVE IT! ❤️

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Which countries are - and aren't - allowed to join the PolGeoNow's popular Parade of Nations article has been updated for

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Neuromuscular junction - seems like a good fit for first day!

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Champion Speedskater will be back at the At 35 years old, if he can't quite cut it, perhaps he might consider taking up by the always brilliant pls RT

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