A familiar face in the Palazzo Corsini! Rembrandt as St.Paul, in fact, was once owned by a cardinal Corsini, before it returned to Amsterdam via English art dealers in the 19th century. Beautifully shown here alongside several Rembrandt etchings (<the Accademia dei Lincei).

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https://t.co/TqNRqitG3J - Dal 21 febbraio al 15 giugno le Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica presentano la mostra “Rembrandt alla Galleria Corsini: l’Autoritratto come san Paolo”. L'articolo di per https://t.co/kvTHUGKvB8

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Contrappunti è alla Galleria per l’anteprima stampa della "Rembrandt alla Galleria Corsini: l’Autoritratto come san Paolo", a cura di Alessandro Cosma.

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"Are you a Forebear? Because I'll go anywhere with you."

"You're turning me into a sword-singer, because I'm forming a Shehai."

"Would you like to visit Orsinium with me? I have an interesting idea for how we could burn it down together."

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Winter uniform, Gorsinian uniform, Vogen Campaign uniform, Orbital Defense uniform

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Granmorsinia, el pokemon guajolote, un ave territorial y agresiva, las glándulas verdes en su cuerpo emiten un miasma muy venenoso que se expande por su territorio.

Granmorsinia, the turkey pokemon, a territorial and agressive bird, it's green glands emits a venomous miasma all-

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Totoxin y Granmorsinia, fakemons basados en los guajolotes y el dios guajolote azteca Chalchiuhtotolin, dios de las enfermedades y la plaga.
Totoxin and Granmorsinia, fakemons based on turkeys and the aztec turkey god Chalchiuhtotolin, god of diseases and plagues.

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"Aquesta és una professió afortunada: amb entusiasme i
paciencia és una bella dedicació. Peró no és una feina per
guanyar-se la vida. Hi ha moltes altres maneres de guanyar-se cómodament la vida. Aquesta és una manera de buscar-se responsabilitats." Arquitecte F.J. Barba Corsini

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Domani, 23 ottobre ore 11, anteprima della mostra "L’enigma del reale. Ritratti e nature morte dalla Collezione Poletti e dalle Gallerie Nazionali Appuntamento alla Galleria Corsini con https://t.co/kvTHUGKvB8 .

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Mercoledì in Corsini sarà possibile visitare in anteprima la mostra “L’enigma del reale. Ritratti e nature morte dalla Collezione Poletti e dalle Gallerie Nazionali Barberini Corsini” a cura di Paola Nicita.
Partecipa e condividi con

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How to explain dinosaur smudges on your clothes? There might be a tip in Bill Nagelkereke’s ‘Sarah Saw a Triceratops’ (Blast Off Oct ’19), Cheryl Orsini illustrator. https://t.co/zTN31ora68
Subscribed to TSM yet? https://t.co/4vrop18leW

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The Impact Of Kyoto Animation: 5 Things You Need To Know https://t.co/bdb3dfZml9

Par Lauren Orsini

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An intimate glimpse into Ayzenberg Phase 2. Featuring Rick Corsini discussing the design/implementation for this amazing space. https://t.co/eQGHTJxyUf

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https://t.co/QSrbbCIOUo - "La quadreria Corsini rappresenta l'esempio più significativo di collezione fidecommissa a Roma: tale istituto imponendo agli eredi il divieto di alienare le opere d'arte ne ha garantito la conservazione".

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https://t.co/20Jw4Krzrs - Al Vascello affascinanti felini sono saliti idealmente sul palco evocati come in un incantesimo dalla voce di Umberto Orsini, autore dello spettacolo “A proposito di gatti” assieme a Paolo Di Paolo.

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Hello, Jennifer! A character designer and background artist looking for freelance work is here!💫
✨This is my website https://t.co/MiPQX3P8O2
Hit me up via PM or corsini.caterina.com if you find me interesting. 😊

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Had the honor of meeting the one & only a little while ago at the Borsini-Burr Gallery. Amazing to see his originals & chat with the master himself. Inevitably, I've had gargoyles on the brain. This piece is called Misty Mystical because, of course, it amuses me.

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Da non perdere! Giovedì dalle 18 in Galleria Corsini "Vasari per Bindo Altoviti. Il Cristo portacroce". Anteprima gratuita e apertura straordinaria. Partecipa e condividi con:

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A recent bug is showing foggy weather in dungeons. Bug or not, these Orsinium screenshots by forumer King of Worms just ooze atmosphere. Would be awesome to see this turned into a mod someday.

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Complimenti a chi ha indovinato! L’uomo in armatura dietro la Salomè di Guido in Galleria Corsini in realtà è il San Giorgio del Matrimonio mistico di Santa Caterina, opera di Lorenzo conservata a Palazzo Barberini. A martedì prossimo con altri

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