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#ZackSnydersJusticeLeague for fan fav
Twittercan vote on their favorite films that were released in 2021 using the hashtag #OscarsFanFavorite with 20 tweets a day.
The film that receives the most fan votes by March 3 will be recognized during the #Oscars March 27 #Sweepstakes
#ArmyOfTheDead for fan fav
Twitter users can vote on their favorite films that were released in 2021 using the hashtag #OscarsFanFavorite with 20 tweets a day.
The film that receives the most fan votes by March 3 will be recognized during the #Oscars March 27 #Sweepstakes
I'm voting for Army of the Dead
and yes i made a new random fanart for it for this
#SpiderManNoWayHome #OscarsFanFavorite #Sweepstakes
¡Voto por NWH! Una película simplemente mágica que, al menos a mi, me hizo reír, llorar y emocionarme a más no poder por la vuelta de SPIDER-MAN, ¡exacto el único Tobey Maguire! 🕷🕸
Don't forget guys!!
The Suicide Squad directed by @JamesGunn for #OscarsFanFavorite
#Sweepstakes #TheSuicideSquad
Me uno a la causa para apoyar a #SpiderManNoWayHome en el #OscarsFanFavorite . No tengo dudas de que está película pasará a la historia, como la mejor película de spiderman de todos los tiempos. Tkm spiderman #Sweepstakes
I vote for Ghostbusters: Afterlife #OscarsFanFavorite #Ghostbusters #Sweepstakes
the suicide squad (2021) directed by @JamesGunn !! #OscarsFanFavorite #Sweepstakes
@MaruQuinzel @ohmobius @CutAyer @RTAyerCutSS @BrenVSReviews @Joker___Leto @SnyderSheriff @jaredletozone @RulersOfGotham @Snyder_Cut_240 @RestoreSnyder yes! Let's Go please god heaven ZackSnyder won's winner! #ArmyOfTheDead #OscarsFanFavorite #Sweepstakes
Some Tick Tick Boom! doodles - I really really loved this film ✨
#ticktickBOOM #oscars #andrewgarfield #jonathanlarson #OscarsFanFavorite
it's now or neverland 🖤
#ticktickBOOM #OscarsFanFavorite
Перепост ибо кое-кто (читайте я) забыл прописать название фильма))))
Майор Гром Чумной Доктор
Major Grom Plague Doctor
#Oscarsfanfavorite #МГЧД #ДимаДубин #ЮляПчелкина #поддержитемайорагрома #OscarNoms #MajorGromPlagueDoctor #МайорГромЧумнойДоктор #Bubble
Zack Snyder's Justice League NÃO pode concorrer ao #OscarsFanFavorite!
A premiação é elegível apenas aos filmes que lançaram NOS CINEMAS em 2021.
No dia de abertura da votação, os fãs fizeram uma grande campanha pelo filme, que infelizmente foi em vão.
#ArmyOfTheDead for fan fav
Twitter users can vote on their favorite films that were released in 2021 using the hashtag #OscarsFanFavorite with 20 tweets a day.
The film that receives the most fan votes by March 3 will be recognized during the #Oscars March 27
#ArmyOfTheDead for fan fav
Twitter users can vote on their favorite films that were released in 2021 using the hashtag #OscarsFanFavorite with 20 tweets a day.
The film that receives the most fan votes by March 3 will be recognized during the #Oscars March 27
#ArmyOfTheDead for fan fav
Twitter users can vote on their favorite films that were released in 2021 using the hashtag #OscarsFanFavorite with 20 tweets a day.
The film that receives the most fan votes by March 3 will be recognized during the #Oscars March 27
#OscarsFanFavorite #Oscars #поддержитемайорагрома #мгчд #ДимаДубин #МайорГромЧумнойДоктор
Этой картиночке уже полгода, а она мне ещё не разонравилась, так что вперёд 🔥🔥🔥
Hace un tiempito no estoy twitteando mucho por las razones correctas! Estoy muy ocupado por suerte; pero en estos días la armada tiene que volver a estar lista.
#OscarsFanFavorite #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague
Vamos por el Oscar, porque este gran film se lo merece.
Spiderman: No way home has my whole swole heart pls
Twitter users can now vote on their favorite 2021 film by using the hashtag #OscarsFanFavorite .
If your favorite film of 2021 was No Way Home, tweet AT LEAST: "#OscarsFanFavorite #SpiderManNoWayHome #Sweepstakes"