OpenSea 🌊🐍
(3 gifts/mp4/loop/sound)

is like a deep sea I've never seen before. I meet many cool artwork. It reminds me that there are good art pieces out there waiting to be seen.

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OpenSea 🌊🐍
(3 gifts/mp4/loop/sound)

is like a deep sea I've never seen before. I meet many cool artwork. It reminds me that there are good art pieces out there waiting to be seen.

0 0

OpenSea 🌊🐍
(3 gifts/mp4/loop/sound)

is like a deep sea I've never seen before. I meet many cool artwork. It reminds me that there are good art pieces out there waiting to be seen.

0 1

OpenSea 🌊🐍
(3 gifts/mp4/loop/sound)

is like a deep sea I've never seen before. I meet many cool artwork. It reminds me that there are good art pieces out there waiting to be seen.

0 2

wow thanks for your tagging 💖🙏🏻
This is mine~

is like a deep sea I've never seen before. I meet many cool artwork. It reminds me that there are good art pieces out there waiting to be seen.

OpenSea 🌊🐍
(3 gifts/mp4/loop/sound)

show your!

3 7

OpenSea 🌊🐍
(3 gifts/mp4/loop/sound)

is like a deep sea I've never seen before. I meet many cool artwork. It reminds me that there are good art pieces out there waiting to be seen.

0 2

OpenSea 🌊🐍
(3 gifts/mp4/loop/sound)

is like a deep sea I've never seen before. I meet many cool artwork. It reminds me that there are good art pieces out there waiting to be seen.

0 1

OpenSea 🌊🐍
(3 gifts/mp4/loop/sound)

is like a deep sea I've never seen before. I meet many cool artwork. It reminds me that there are good art pieces out there waiting to be seen.

0 1

OpenSea 🌊🐍
(3 gifts/mp4/loop/sound)

is like a deep sea I've never seen before. I meet many cool artwork. It reminds me that there are good art pieces out there waiting to be seen.

0 1

OpenSea 🌊🐍
(3 gifts/mp4/loop/sound)

is like a deep sea I've never seen before. I meet many cool artwork. It reminds me that there are good art pieces out there waiting to be seen.

0 2

OpenSea 🌊🐍
(3 gifts/mp4/loop/sound)

is like a deep sea I've never seen before. I meet many cool artwork. It reminds me that there are good art pieces out there waiting to be seen.

0 4

OpenSea 🌊🐍
(3 gifts/mp4/loop/sound)

is like a deep sea I've never seen before. I meet many cool artwork. It reminds me that there are good art pieces out there waiting to be seen.

0 2


いやしのつえ BP4/LP1 回復単体
ねんどうりき 熱陰 BP7 間接単体 攻撃し味方生存者全体のHPを回復(極小)
ディメンションオーラ 熱陰 BP13 間接ファスト全体 攻撃し味方生存者全体に「ガードアップ(中)」、冷属性防御強化(大)、陰属性防御強化(大)を付与(1ターン)

2 19

らくがき マクラーレンMP4/4&ティレルP34(仮)

1 6

1. 俊足兎【HP4/4、出力10→8/12、機動力4→3/5】
2. 4号機【HP4/4、出力9/9、機動力2→0/4】
3. 黄塵【HP5/5、出力12 /12、機動力1/4】左腕無し
黄塵に威力3回避消費2のクロス攻撃! 後衛で攻撃時機動消費+1

0 2

切り払い消費! 俊足兎の攻撃を無効化!
1. 俊足兎【HP4/4、出力10→8/12、機動力4→3/5】
2. 4号機【HP4/4、出力9/9、機動力2/4】
3.黄塵【HP5/5、出力12 /12、機動力1/4】

0 0


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