Paildramon and his evolution line was awesome DNA digivolve was super fun I thought and Poliwhirl I have loved Poliwhirl ever since the Pokemon Adventures manga

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Como muchos sabrán, este digimon nace de la jogress entre XV-mon y Stingmon, siendo por lo que parece el segundo digimon más iconico de los nacidos de este método evolutivo.
Sus características de dragón son más pronuncia…

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El sitio oficial de ha revelado los resultados de las votaciones del Digi-Referendum Nº12
¿Con que Digimon Mega-campeón lucharíais a vuestro lado?
El Ganador ha sido MetalGreymon (Tipo Vacuna) seguido de Angewomon y Paildramon.
Resultados aquí:

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DigiPoll results have been released
Q: "Which Perfect Digimon would you fight alongside with?"

🥇Metal Greymon (Vaccine)
4. Holy Angemon
5. Aero V-dramon
6. Were Garurumon
7. Lilimon
8. Rize Greymon
9. Andiramon
10. DORUguremon

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● My art for Paildramon Tri. Version

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A refined sketch of Ken and Davis with Paildramon that I drew because I heard today was Digimon 02's 20th anniversary!

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Big Shiny, Big Gold. Next up will be Paildramon! Man, the designs are getting more complicated lmao igimon

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22. Paildramon

DNA Digivolution was such a tragically-underutilized concept, but at least it gave us this nifty merged dude and his hip-mounted laser cannons.

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Originally this was just Paildramon with ExVeemon's head, but I decided to make it stand out more. Added some Sagittarimon details to make A jogress of the two.

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Imperialdramon/imperialdramon paladin mode- basically the same as paildramon but with a design that’s a bit less chaotic, idk I like the variety between his forms and I like that paladin mode is essentially King Arthur

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The Digicore gave a power-up to the Digimon of the Chosen Children allowing Paildramon to evolve into Ultimate and now the Digimon who had lost their abilities to evolve into Perfect could do so.

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In the Anime the existence of the Four Holy Beasts was first only implied by some characters. Such as in the episode 27 of Digimon ADventure 02 "The Unparalleled Union! Paildramon" when Koushiro explains about something that happened a while after the events of "Our War Game".

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so anyway you can bet your ass i grinded for paildramon

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Si con esto Bandai no se empieza a plantear el contratarme para su franquicia yo ya no sé que más hacer. Espero que os guste, he quedado bastante contento y que mejor con dos de los Digimon que marcaron mi infancia. Disfrutad de Paildramon y BlackWargreymon!

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veemon has the potential to end up being ulforceveedramon or paildramon if fused who are both in a group called 'royal knights'

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