Wasn’t quite sure how to deal with the colour palette but I don’t want to touch this for a little while so here, have a

Probably gonna rework this later tbh

16 214

So uh here's my drawing for
I made too many layers for this so i probably forgot to add or take away one or two lol

4 21

sooooooo i did 's ditys, it was really fun to do, and also a good practice for me to do backgrounds and try new stuff jsjsjs
close up in comments 👀

4 29

pspsps congrats on your 1k milestone!! you deserve it!! i love you and your art lots!!! mwah !🥰💕

7 39

Congrats again for 1k, ! Drawing this was funjsdhjk,,

36 114

A drawing for Happy 1k followers rain!!! Mwah!

20 53

I FINALLY DID 's DTIY OMG IT WAS SO FUN AS EXPECTED 🥺❤ i could only dream to be as good as them pls we're literally the same age🤲🤲

7 22

my submission for ’s this was a lot of fun to draw 💕

5 17

Congratulations on 1k 🎉🎉🎉

15 52

Entry for ’s dtiys! Congrats for 1k!🌺

21 67

Congrats on 1k rain!! love you stimky <3 /p

15 39

Congratulations on 1K+, ❤ I hope you don't mind a late DTIYS ahaha;;

8 41