Boris Johnson IS NOT always late!
When it comes to lies, bullying, Russian kickbacks & bunking off on holiday - he's always very prompt.

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The world is so full of egotistical leaders now, that it is hard to tell where the lies start, and the humanity ends.#Covid_19

9 22

I’m sure Boris Johnson will come out of hiding before the next to do a briefing or answer questions on

2 9

"F*CK BUSINESS!", Boris Johnson.

Pound now trading at US$1.1875 - worst rate in 35 years.
Finally... Bozo keeps a promise.


11 16

The Pound is now trading at US$1.1875 - the worst exchange rate in 35 years.
They have the CoronaVirus in the US too Boris... no one else to blame!

26 27

Steve Bell on defending at - political cartoon gallery in London

12 16

Seems he listened to the little fella on his left shoulder for once...

7 27

Theresa May.

'The Conservatives are the party for the workers'

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