『天涯のカロン』を左読みにした電書&POD本『天涯のカロン LTR style book』を出版しました(元は英訳用なのですがせっかくなので日本語でも出版)。単に画を左右反転すればいいのに背景やキャラの左右を原作と同じに戻そうとするから大変でした。アホ。#KindleUnlimited

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🐚 Contributor Spotlight 🐚

Darting on by is a pod member that is dedicating to learn as much as possible about other fantastical creatures in the world.

brings this passion into each brush stroke as they create their newest masterpiece.

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Elsewhere, in the hive, a new changeling appears. Her body is frail, but her connection to the hive mental link is strong. She calls herself Moonstone.
When Moon became crystal, her bug mind released into the link. There it became sentient and created a body through a healing pod

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are they the same character or smth?
if not, then what happened to pod-chan

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Hi I'm the very handsome Pod 😳

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Zrobiłam tego fanarta pod koniec stycznia i czekał do dzisiaj na poprawki które zajęły mi niecałą godzinkę 🥲

Na rysunku oczywiście maj queen
Nie udało mi się dobrze oddać jej piękna ale mam nadzieję że ujdzie 🙏
KC RURU! ❤️❤️❤️

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This week on the pod we're talkin Robositter!

The boys need money for , and pawning the TV is NOT an option. Getting jobs at Slurp-A-Lunch, Frylock builds Robositter (), who builds Sheila (), who both get killed by Frylock. Circle of life.

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kiedy lekkomyślnie zostawisz komuś reakcję „haha” pod komentarzem na grupce ślubnej

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🐚 Contributor Spotlight 🐚

Those in our pod care deeply for their friends beneath the waves but, none so greatly as our next member.

's pieces showcase their heartfelt dedication to our marine life!

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You ever have someone compliment your shirt & ask where you got it & you have to explain it was a 1-day only sale, then afterwards realize you do have an account for a POD site you could easily upload the designs to?

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『フランケン娘のラムネ イラストブック英訳版』POD本が発売になりました(電子本は審査中)。The POD book of "Frankengirl Ramune Illustration Book English Edition" has been released.(E-book still under review)

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\ お仕事 /
発売中のPOD書籍『生鮮流通DX ukabisで実現するサプライチェーン改革』(三修社)にてイラストを担当させていただきました。サービスによって実現できることや目指したい未来を表現しました。DTPは樋口デザイン事務所さん()、ミカンクリエイティブさんです。

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Somehow “Silly Goose” have been trending in the designer & POD space.

If you create any t-shirts, hoodies, stickers, paper crafts etc, I’ve got a few silly geese design files you can use! 🌱


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