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Who let the cats out? Outdoor cats are 2.77 times as likely as indoor-only cats to be infected with pathogens https://t.co/kxi01ikB42 | #BiologyLetters #transmission #pathogen #zoonotic
@kprather88 John Snow started a clean water revolution at the Broad Street pump.
We need a #CleanAirRevolution because #COVIDisAirborne but so are many other pathogens as well as urban pollution & pollen- why should we continue to breathe dirty, exhaled air if we wouldn't drink dirty water?
Who let the cats out? Outdoor cats are 2.77 times as likely as indoor-only cats to be infected with pathogens https://t.co/kxi01ikB42 | #BiologyLetters #transmission #pathogen #zoonotic
Thanks @Cori_Zawacki @jamie_voyles for enabling the creation of this Rana muscosa/unicorn hybrid for the #AmphibianPathogens2021 Annual Meeting! 😂
We exemplify the use of a structurally resolved interactome to study interface mutations and phosphorylation. 280 interfaces carry pathogenic variants, including mutations in TWIST1 linked with Saethre-Chotzen syndrome that likely disrupt the predicted interface with TCF4
#Microber2021 30: CONJUGATION
Sharing antibiotic resistance plasmids by conjugation has turned the much-ignored opportunist A. baumanii into a pathogen of repute. Carbapenemases for the win?
#Inktober2021 #SciArt #PathogenPortraits #SciComm
Fun fact: As it turns out, there are only 3 out of 3000+ species of bats that are actually vampires! 🦇
In addition, blood is actually a terrible source of nutrition, with potential pathogens and overloaded with iron!
Therefore, it clearly only makes sense that he eats souls👻
#Microber2021 28: ADHESION
Infectious disease can be caused by mere stickiness, as with misfolded Prion proteins. We all have Prions, but if infectious misfolded Prions stick to them, they mis-fold too & the stickiness spreads.
#Inktober2021 #SciArt #PathogenPortraits #SciComm
#Microber2021 26: COMPETITION
Dengue fever virus has 5 serotypes that compete for hosts. Primary infection with 1 makes further infection with another much more dangerous. So it’s a real killer competition!
#Inktober2021 #SciArt #PathogenPortraits #SciComm
#Microber2021 25: TRANSPOSON
Also known as jumping genes, they’re a handy tool in a many pathogen's toolkit. Transposons give Cryptococcus neoformans the genetic room it needs to adapt & resist antibiotics during infection.
#Inktober2021 #SciArt #PathogenPortraits #SciComm
#Microber2021 24: ZOONOTIC
Sometimes we're incidental hosts to pathogens. Ebolaviruses mostly infect non-human primates & bats. Our Ebola outbreaks start w. a spillover from these animals, before human to human spread takes over
#Inktober2021 #SciArt #PathogenPortraits #SciComm
#Microber2021 20: LUMINESCENCE
Yes, there are luminescent pathogens too... Vibrio harveyi causes luminescent vibriosis in farmed shrimp. This may involve widespread necrosis in their appendages, but what a pretty colour!
#Inktober2021 #SciArt #PathogenPortraits #SciComm
#Microber2021 18: MOTILITY
Proteus is a catheter opportunist with a bullseye motility pattern, due to cycling btw vegetative & swarmer states. A switch to swarming causes massive elongation, many more flagella & all the nasties!
#Inktober2021 #SciArt #PathogenPortraits #SciComm
Natural enemies of environmentally mediated parasites and pathogens abound in nature. Can we do better to identify, measure, and harness these ecosystem services? @DeLeoLab propose 3 reasons why natural enemies deserve more attention for sustainable disease control.
#Microber2021 14: CHEMOTAXIS
Helicobacter uses chemotaxis to swim towards some tasty sugars on the lining of the stomach, and finds its home there for life
#Inktober2021 #SciArt #PathogenPortraits #SciComm
#Microber2021 12: DIVISION
In their infectious form, these brain-eating amoebae can divide without breaking up their nuclear membrane, in a process called promitosis.
#Inktober2021 #SciArt #PathogenPortraits #SciComm
#Microber2021 10: DEFENCE
As their defence, Bordetalla pertussis attacks our immune defences in the lungs, so the airways don’t produce mucus. This causes the coughs to make a characteristic whooping sound
#Inktober2021 #SciArt #PathogenPortraits #SciComm
#Microber2021 5: LYSIS.
To spread, #Hepatitis viruses (ABCDEFG…) explode their host cells ('cell lysis') to leave them because they don’t need host membranes to make new virions.
#Inktober2021 #SciArt #PathogenPortraits
#Microber2021 4: DORMANCY. Bacillus anthracis spores can lay dormant for decades, as tested on Gruinard Island in Scotland in 1942. Apparently safe now! #Inktober2021 #SciArt #PathogenPortraits
#Microber2021 3: FLAGELLA. Trichomonas is a #Parasite that causes bacterial vaginosis w. FIVE #Flagella & an axostyle. No one knows what the 5th one does. #Inktober2021 #SciArt #PathogenPortraits