A new study finds that stoneflies and caddis flies—trout food—are among the most imperiled insects on earth, due to the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and https://t.co/U6s9WS0p44

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Aujourd'hui, on parle aux enfants de l'interdiction des des dangereux pour les 🐝🐝 c'est notre article "A suivre de près" dans l'Hebdo : https://t.co/mYYFVlNakc

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Can bees become addicted to pesticides?
Research by indicates bees acquire a taste for neonicotinoid-laced foods after prolonged exposure. More proof of the risks of insecticide use on our threatened pollinators 🐝 https://t.co/vdcUsvYLnS

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day 21 late: Black-Faced Spoonbill (Endangered)

It is a small wading bird reaching up to 2.493 feet.
They are found on the East Asian coast. Habitat destruction is most likely their greatest threat. Pollution from pesticides is another contributor.

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The German cockroach and Norway rat have evolved resistance to pesticides. Roaches also evolved an aversion to glucose due to sugar-baited traps. Rock doves in the cities developed defenses to city-dwelling falcons. https://t.co/uwV87LiUxz

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We’re going to need a lot of pesticides. bug's land, bug's life, dca, disney california adventure, disneyland, disney parks, disney, mspaint

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Help raise awareness against the use of pesticides. Neonicotinoids kill bees daily! Head on over to https://t.co/pmODoeqyuN to find out more

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Le sublime jardin de ma grand-mère où tout est cultivé avec amour et sans pesticides 🌱 Ça donne tellement envie de s'y mettre !

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"But neither of them thought about how the grass is green under a vomit blanket of pesticides..."

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"...the grass is green under a vomit blanket of pesticides..." Read "Tree People" by in ! https://t.co/NPqHhE7d9U

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If you think organically grown food isn’t sprayed with pesticides, think again. 20+ pesticides are used on organic produce.

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70% de de France ont disparu en moins en vingt ans. Merci les pesticides (et l'homme) !

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La Semaine pour les alternatives aux pesticides débute aujourd'hui, retrouvez les événements en 👉 https://t.co/GbfKkDccih

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Carson's work on pesticides led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

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protect our pollinators, we're lost without them. Avoid pesticides & try growing a bee garden https://t.co/TX0EnVzlep

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