How dare they- arson and desturction to the perpetrator!! >:c

0 1

Wouldn't it be lovely if our were this big? This is my idea of heaven. (created with 🐀🐀🐀

0 3

Morroyo would prove that he's innocent, then offer to help catch the real perpetrator. Rem would be "Hell NO!", break out of jail, THEN go after the false accuser AND the crook. Hsieh would go on a vendetta and take care of the guilty parties,shinobi style, living bodies optional

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3 72

Victim and perpetrator meet

4 78

Raticals - Love and affection

Tig's an oddball and I love her for it.

6 31

May the perpetrators of this disgusting act find this:

1 12 McCarthyism, the message is clear. The perpetrators of those (real) atrocities may have lost state stature, but never suffered in the gruesome ways their victims did.

The alternative definition of crucible, a crisis that foments incredible change, describes Ororo's new...

0 4

Vet aquí per què en és l’Scorsese de la LIJ catalana. Aquesta gamberrada que ha perpetrat amb l’ per a la d’ és molt bèstia, però si ja esteu farts de la correcció política i us voleu petar de riure lliurement, llegiu FILSTRUP!

7 33