A beautiful commission of Virara and the morpho, made by !

I love this art so much, I can't say thank you enough times. XD

Though she has devoted her life to her Master's martial art, Virara is fascinated by insects, and on some level finds beauty in all of them.

14 49

Miguel Carbonell Selva (1854-1896) - Death of Sappho, 1881

20 284

OC name : Liki Kati /c'est le prénom c:
Morpho, personnalité : Bah c'est moi mais en virtuel appearance

Magie : Lumière et traverser les objets, murs comme un fantôme. Non Liki n'ira pas espionner les onsen de girls 😳

Devil in angel's disguise, ENFJ manipulator- true leader 😎

0 2

We're over here dealing with our own problem, you and other platforms aren't helping.

What's it going to be? Will you own up? Or Step Down?
There are many like Sappho, maybe even worse than her out there. Do something. Stop leaving us in the dark.

14 42

O Christmas pho, O Christmas pho,
How tasty is thy noodles 🍜

23 247

Instead of Mama Sappho, I present to you

Mama Thunder!!

Why Mama Thunder? Because instead of grooming and fucking animals I actually give a shit & care about kids and animals!! Mama Thunder will not groom you or fuck dogs 👍👍 buy Mama Thunder today

Ft. Traced zoophile art <33

3 22

Xipho, on a envie de le protéger. Et puis, on se sent un peu ridicule quand on découvre de quoi il est capable.

43 248

"Aren't you a cute little sugarplum?"

Alicia can be your best wet dream, or your worst nightmare, it all depends on how she's feeling.

Very lewd, a true nympho, most of the time.

Big tiddy gal with a mommy attitude.

Very submissive, but can adapt.

More below.

106 190

GOING LIVE NOW! ONE LAST OUTFIT DEBUT! Also, Shadiversity, Sappho, and a School Board candidates abuse of kids. We've got some GARBO tonight!

Come Join! Blizzy Demands it!

2 10

🚩HypnotistSappho on MFF

Sappho, a furry youtuber who announced on her YouTube that she is a zoophile has been allegedly attending Midwest Fur Fest. A fellow fur has reported to MFF about her presence and "has sent the information to their proper departments"

1 19

Grandma made pho, I am full of noodles and meat

0 11

Happy National Noodle Day!🍜🍝

Treat yourself to a bowl of ramen, pho, spaghetti, pancit, or any other type of noodles! What's your favorite dish?

4 6

Happy birthday to the amazing Ramona Fradon, co-creator of Metamorpho, for my money the definitive Aquaman artist, and still creating gorgeous pieces at the age of 95!

31 82

Le Pho, Red Tulip, Oil on silk

4 25

Gonna throw my hat in my ring, if that’s okay. It’s a chance to work with Typho, who wouldn’t jump at that opportunity?

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Stuff like regen I barely develop cuz it never gets pushed to any extremes.
However, if anyone had crazy healing factors, it would be Sappho, whose body is mostly a water-like energy. He can reform parts by collecting any lost bits, and convert any excess stored energy into mass https://t.co/kAXKuw2Wtv

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I'm going with this OC of mine named Sympho, mainly because he's gone under the most radical redesign I feel c:

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Sappho, Goddess of love by Miquel Carbonell i Selva

19 61

Sappho, Be Kind to Me ✨💫🌈

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pho, del+newa, dam, swap

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