//=time() ?>
Day 135: Gracious Encounter
Reaching Route 224, Dawn and Marley meet up with Professor Oak, who asks Dawn to write about what she's grateful for. After finishing, a bright light shines as flowers grow around them.
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn #pokemonmarley #professoroak #shaymin
Day 132: Well Rested
Dawn jolts awake, finding herself back in bed at home. As she tries to recall what happened she can't make out the details clearly. Did any of that really happen? Was this all apart of Darkrais nightmare?
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn #glaceon #rotom #spiritomb
Day 127: Cleanse Tag
Returning to Lost Tower, Dawn makes her way up to the top floor and meets with the tower's overseers, who give her a Cleanse Tag. Unaware of it's properties, Dawn holds it up, unknowingly keeping spirits at bay
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn #duskull #misdreavus
Day 125: Spooky Shelter
While training Eevee on Route 217, she evolved right before a blizzard started. Barely being able to see in front of her, Dawn stumbles her way to a nearby cabin. Luckily the owner was home and invited her in.
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn #glaceon #froslass
Day 124: Newmoon Island
Seemingly waking up from her dream, Dawn finds herself on an island that feels similar to Fullmoon Island, but looks completely different. Making her way to the center of the island, she discovers Darkrai.
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn #darkrai #lucario
Day 123: Bad Dreams
Despite her objections, Dawn is invited inside to take a rest. As she puts her head on the pillow and begins to drift off to sleep, she can't shake the feeling that something's wrong.
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn #eevee
Day 121: Lunar Rejuvenation
Returning to Sailor Eldritch's house, Dawn pulls out the Lunar Wing which starts to shine as the terror on the boys face fades away and he finally awakens from his nightmare.
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn
Day 119: Sailor Eldritch's Son
While visiting Canalave City, Dawn runs into Sailor Eldritch, who desperately needs her help. He brings her to his son, who has fallen into a deep nightmare. He tells her the answer might be on Fullmoon Island.
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn
Day 118: Ancient Stories
Returning to Canalave City, Dawn decides to do some research on some old folk tales and finds one from before the name Sinnoh was used. For some reason, this story feels nostalgic.
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn #pokemonakari #cyndaquil
Day 111: Maniac Tunnel
Passing by Route 214, Dawn finds that in place of the cave there is instead a long tunnel reaching the ruins. The now Digging Maniac gloats on beating Dawn at their race, but Dawn had forgotten about it.
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn #hippopotas #unown
Day 109: Shining in the Moonlight
While testing the PokeRadar on Route 204, Dawn's chain is interrupted by the sudden appearance of an unusually colored Kirlia, basking in the moonlight above.
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn #kirlia #shinypokemon
We all need some fresh air 🍃
#pokemonfanart #pixelart #pixelartist #pixelfanart #pokemonpixelart #fanart #pokemonsinnoh #fanartpokemon #fanartpixelart #pokemondawn
Day 104: Guardian of Emotion
Dawn finds herself back where she started her Journey, at Lake Verity, looking for the Legendary Mesprit to gather data for her Pokedex. As Dawn arrives, Mesprit appears and before Dawn can react, it flies away.
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn #mesprit
Day 103: Master Contest
Arriving at the Contest Hall, Dawn prepares to compete in a special Super Contest against none other than her Mother, Johanna a Pokémon Coordinator and her partner, Jumpy the Kangaskhan.
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn #pokemonjohanna #kangaskhan
Day 102: Somepne's PC
While visiting Hearthome, Dawn meets Bebe, the creator of the Pokémon Storage System in the Sinnoh Region. While visiting, she offers Dawn her Eevee from a friend in Johto, which Dawn accepts.
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn #pokemonbebe #eevee
Day 100: The End...?
Dawn, crowned as the new Champion of Sinnoh, heads back home to rest after her long and difficult journey.
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn
Day 93: Fifth Rival Battle
Once arriving at the Pokemon League, Dawn prepares one last time by healing her Pokemon and stocking up on supplies. Before she can enter, Barry arrives just in time to challenge her one last time.
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn #pokemonbarry #snorlax
Day 89: Victory Road (Part 1)
After picking out her team, Dawn heads into Victory Road, the final test before the Elite Four. She doesn't make it far into the cave before running into strong trainers with the same goal as her.
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn #sneasel #noctowl
Day 81: Hey You Pikachu!
Heading back out on her journey, Dawn decides to visit the Pokemon Mansion to share her recent discoveries with Mr.Backlot. While visiting she finds a new fluffy friend hiding away in the Trophy Garden!
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn #pikachu
Day 80: TM44
With the Team Galactic conflict wrapping up, Dawn is free to return to her journey, but she decides to take a break to visit home and take a rest.
#pokemon #bdsp #pokemondawn