time to get ready for the group meowing session 🐱💜
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76 324

Remember when you were hungry and you ate that bone-shaped biscuit in the pantry? Hope you like being an Arcanine!

Piece illustrated on livestream.

3 22

-"Growing feathers feels funny! And seems I won't need the glasses in a few minutes more~"

Flat colored commission for @/Randomperindeed

27 108

"You should have never entered the witch house... the curse hit during the night, it change its victim... forever... run, fool. Don't lose your identity..."

darker context this time, hope you enjoy <3

54 251

Sometimes you don't even realize something's amiss. Some folks don't even realize they're in another world... let alone that they've become a

He's more worried about that talking pikachu next to him.

4 32

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a Swampert? That's exactly what did and now look at him! Happy as a clam! Well... an axolotl... thing...

1 19

Why don't you have a curious look on your face. Hope you like being a Flygon... you're going to be stuck like this for a while!


Piece for my friend Jeenakatarox, inspired by Mystery Dungeon.

46 194

-"Bzz!? Why do I feel thizzz have happen before bzz??"

I did like enough the lineart of a week ago to actually color and finish the small sequence~
What could I say, Rotom is just lovely

14 73

Eric seems to have found himself in a spot of bother at work today, turns out Connors transformations may be just a little contagious.

5 19

Another attempt of at human to rotom transformation ⚡️😵‍💫⚡️

39 195

"Sure is growing quite the froufrou of fur... frou over here"

Might've went a bit overkill on this one but I had fun xD

180 849

엘자임 TF 시리즈 "포켓몬 주제"
No.758 염뉴트


10 34

"What? this is one of my forms, and i'm ready for anything with my rings" i forget today was tuesday sooo here is the tf of the week ft.

4 20

Aaaaah Tysm for this another amazing piece of art it’s so amazing Tysm it’s amazing

5 27

You know that feeling when you take a personality test and are otterly surprised?

Yeah. This guy knows how that feels.

5 26

My first art commission is complete! This was a lot of fun; Ducklett isn't one you see too often! Commissioned by

13 65

He laughed at my suggestion.

"But Nova," he replied, "I already AM a Pokémon!"

The illusion vanished and before me stood a rather content looking absol.

You win this round, . Well played, sir. Well played.

1 16

What's this? Someone that's EXCITED to become a Pokémon?

Well... Dragonite... I hope you enjoy your form. It definitely suits you.

5 30

When you run into the wrong person and you suddenly find yourself turned into a castform...

2 11