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'Tis the most tender part of love, each other to forgive.

Poems: https://t.co/Pm6vQXhoGo]

✒️  1st Duke of Buckingham and Normanby, English poet and politician, Lord President of the Council, was 7 April 1648.

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From September 2018: The more things change, the more they stay the same…

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The fact that women still have to fight for their rights in the 21st century is depressing.

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Three For A Real Joke:
1. Take your money.
2. Distort your true values.
3. Change political parties
directly after the election.
Oh lawd-
Sounds so much like pure
election fraud. https://t.co/nwOdLCHurX

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Smh tired of the fgo localizers injecting politics into the game

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Patriotism is the big lie politicians are trying to brainwash their citizens with, with the only goal to manipulate them, to enslave and to let fight for populist ideas.

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In a dance with shadows, they sow the seeds,
Feeding ambition, as humanity bleeds,
The life of a politician, where power succeeds.

- imagined with

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Mike Luckovich on charged with 34 counts of fraud! - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

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My character Reym is from the kingdom of Frosper, a small country caught in deep political turmoil.
He was exiled when he was young however due to his curse of immortality, basically whenever he "dies", the people near him die instead 😬

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Year 2117.

As Japan faces the political & social challenges of a changing demographic and quickly advancing technology, forcibly-retired police sergeant Jacob Raburn finds himself caught up in a conspiracy bigger than he could have imagine.

Search "New Tokyo" on Amazon!

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Steven Camley: charged with 34 counts of fraud! - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

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11ª OC
Desmund Everest

As a curious fact of the Ormrell country, if you do not have a last name, you cannot be considered a citizen, unless you are under the orders of someone with political, military or economic power.
and he has all 3 at the country level
he also likes jazz

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As we’ve been seeing the ignorance of political art in the Irish media, I think I’ll share an account of Francisco Goya (1746-1828) - one of the greatest artists in history, a Romantic & a master of the portrait. He also created some of the most powerful political artworks

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Given the ignorance of Irish journos re political art I’d like to share one of its greatest exponents & a favourite artist of mine - Honoré-Victorin Daumier (1808-79) is considered the greatest caricaturist in history (by me) & he even went to gaol for mocking his king.

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Martin Rowson on the unflushables - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

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