Intéressons-nous à L’Epître Othéa de Christine de Pizan. Allégorie où la déesse de la Prudence, Othéa, envoie une lettre au jeune Hector de Troie. Dieux, déesses, héros de mythologies, tous se confondent dans un ensemble de 100 textes ou courts poèmes

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OCS... quincy, prudence, and lanuola

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Today we celebrate medieval Arab mathematician Sutayta al-Mahamali (d. 987 CE). Born in Baghdad, a widely-consulted scholar of science and jurisprudence, she solved problems of inheritance requiring knowledge of a brand new field: algebra.

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🅰🆄🆃🅷🅾🆁 🆅🅸🆂🅸🆃🆂! I'm now scheduling author visits for 2020! If you'd like Prudence, Rocky, Busy Bus, Emergency Kittens, or Jackie Chan--not him IRL--to visit your students, let me know,

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this was the beginning design for prudence, tweaked it a little bit but kept her vitiligo and big curls

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Here's another between the and animated series. Today we can see one of the best friends of and meeting the little witch.

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TY ACLU, TY Lady Jurisprudence, TY whoever drew this..

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Back from Norway they have used their oil and gas revenue
with prudence, make one angry that our's was squandered.

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