I think I cracked the code. IRyS could become anything, so she decided to become perfect - a Gundam.

(Characteristic of RH-888 Hope Gundam is precision funnels, they're controlled by psycommu waves, amplified with halo-like device attached to

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Simon Pegg and Minnie Driver in
Nandor Fordor and the Talking Mongoose!

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Strain-02, a tiny fragment of a primordial mater-asimilating entity disguising itself with the corpse of a girl, playing an irl game of among us with the crew of a research base on one of the moons of saturn, competing for kills with a psycopathic mass murderer british dude

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"The Pink Dancer" 💗
My heart wants to say something but my tongue doesn't help it. so I just let my hands say those words with these lines that are dancing to each other.

Hand-drawn abstract art with ink and poster color.


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Here’s a censored version for all you honry psycos

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"They had more diversity"
Psyco: Let me show you how they didn't by citing diverse examples of characters with different body types, sizes, details, colors, and facial structure (only sharing basic similarities) yet somehow act like they're the same with Knuckles A and Knuckles B

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obviamente está inspirado en un ajolote. Pero cuando lo diseñé quería hacer algo más mosntruoso, no tan animal.

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Iba a ser un slime, luego pasó a ser una medusa, luego una medusa slime con orejas y antenas (?

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It may come as a surprise but my favorite gundam design might be the RX-79 Ground Gundam. It's just straight up a war robot. No newtype stuff, no Psycommu or Exam system, no funnels, just a robot with oversized artillery weapons and a design to match. Utilitarianism at it's best.

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all the mop psyco characters look like pedophiles with their half closed eyes

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My other psycosteam pieces ❤️

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Una comisión que me hicieron, joder como me encanta mob psyco 100 <33
Gracias por comisionarme!

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