The final book on the this week is by and - a murder mystery that dares to do things differently and after the end of the last issue I can't wait to see what happens next ^KB

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The final book on the is the first issue of by and - time to sit back and watch it burn - exciting times ahead for the x-books ^KB

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My next comic on this weeks is by and - finally an issue not tied to another event - hopefully Al and the team will be able to propel this book off in to new and exciting spaces ^KB

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The next comic on the this week is by and from - BUT as this weeks list went to air I discovered this issue is delayed by 2 weeks. So make sure you pick this final issue up then ^KB

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Also on the this week is by & w/ - lots to enjoy in this new X-Men series but with the High Evolutionary here and just around the corner these mutants better watch out ^KB

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Absolutely love listening to on talking about Doom War, comics, bad ass female characters and naked Doom.

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The on the GB this week is by and - this series has been nothing short of spectacular and all fans should be reading it ^KB

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The GB is by & - plenty to enjoy in this series and they better not leave me hanging on the Pete Wisdom developments. Plus it's nice to see Otherwolrd featured prominently ^KB

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The next comic to feature on the GB this week is by & - with both and coming to cinemas soon this comic could be your next favourite big sci-fi epic ^KB

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What is on your Marvel pulllist this Wednesday? Here are mine (plus Moon Knight 2):

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