Tile Turnip | Cost: 0+ | Debuted in PVZ2 | Makes a Powertile, but Every time its Planted, its sun Price Goes Higher

1 2

E.M Peach | Cost: 25 | Debuted in PVZ2 | Disables Machines at a 3x3 Radius

1 1

Bloomerang | Cost: 175 | Debuted in PVZ2 | Shoots a Boomerang through zombies, hitting them twice

1 0

Iceberg Lettuce | Cost: 0 | Debuted in PVZ2 | Freezes a Zombie, who touches it.

1 0

Coconut Cannon | Cost: 400 | Debuted in PVZ2 | When tapped, It will shoot a explosive Cannon, but it takes time to reload.

1 0

Pea Pod | Cost: 125 | Debuted in PVZ2 | Can shoot 5 Peas max if you plant on it 5 times at the same tile

1 2

Bonk Choy | Cost: 150 | Debuted in PVZ2 | Punches a Zombie Rapidly

1 1

Fire Gourd | Cost: 200 | Debuted in PVZ2 China

1 0

Witch Hazel | Cost: 200 | Debuts in PVZ2 | Turns Zombies into Puff-Shrooms

1 1

Sap Fling | Cost: 150 | Debuted in PVZ2 | Shoots Saps at Zombies, Dealing no Damage but instead making a Syrup Tile, Which Slows them Down

1 0

Fire Gourd | Cost: 200 | Debuted in PVZ2 China

1 0

Pea Pod | Cost: 125 | Debuted in PVZ2 | Can shoot 5 Peas max if you plant on it 5 times at the same tile

1 1

Heavenly Peach | Cost: 125 | Debuted in PVZ2 China

1 0

Missile Toe | Cost: 500 | Debuted in PVZ2 | Tap the Screen, then choose where you want it to go, then Ice will attack the Zombies, freezing them, and slowing them down

1 1

Iceberg Lettuce | Cost: 0 | Debuted in PVZ2 | Freezes a Zombie, who touches it.

1 1

Bloomerang | Cost: 175 | Debuted in PVZ2 | Shoots a Boomerang through zombies, hitting them twice

1 0

Bonk Choy | Cost: 150 | Debuted in PVZ2 | Punches a Zombie Rapidly

1 0

E.M Peach | Cost: 25 | Debuted in PVZ2 | Disables Machines at a 3x3 Radius

1 0