100% ownership of your NFT’s IP rights is cool. When that same project says they will sell your NFT on their 7 yr apparel site, and the holder makes 100% of the profit. That’s next level!


14 18

You’re not great, until you’re consistent! STAY CONSISTENT!

7 19

We chose the Crow as a rare trait, why? Bc crows are ok in a flock or on their own… They don’t fly south for the winter. Represents the Maverick in us all!

8 17

If you want have a successful business, put yourself in the customer’s place… LFG…

7 21

To be successful you’re going to have to do things most won’t!— LFG—

11 24

Too many people quit right before their breakthrough….. You must keep going… It may be hard, but it will be worth it!!! 💀💀

14 37

Maverick Mentor Program:
1) Mint a QBC NFT
2) Submit your business plan
3) Team Chooses 3
4) Live interview
5) Team choices 1
6) Winner receives $10K ETH

RT and Tag someone who would benefit from this program!

11 23

“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you!” — LFG—

7 18

VOLUME UP! If this video represents your attitude, then you’re in the right place!

21 27

We were going to give away 1 , but we decided to award 2. Congrats ! You won! Thanks for the early support! Tomorrow we ride!

4 14

We are a 7 year old lifestyle apparel line ready to dominate the Metaverse with our 2929 Mavericks! Be Ready!

6 13