Quick one today RA… remember blowing on a burn is not the best idea… run it under a cold tap! Someone should tell this silly fellow…#RADailyDoodle

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Armadillos jousting with baguettes

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Oh good, I get to use my swirly brush again

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The very rare Mandelbrot camel has an infinite number of humps for today’s

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Dancing Queen. Have a great weekend, doodlers!

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Gavin flies home to his mrs with something nice in a tiffany bag from time to time… I mean he gets it at Elizabeth duke, but it’s in a tiffany bag…

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. well couldn't resist partaking in this... technically not cheating as the iguana was drawn (😅). The iguana HAD to have a cocktail hat on from our collection as well as holding a sunset cocktail. (hat 1950s, made in the USA).

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Who put that hat there? Cheers everyone!

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I can draw you a picture of Gary. He’s lovely

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Battersea Power Station. Only ever seen from the other side of the river

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Speed sketch to finish the week. One day I will develop a style. Have a great weekend everyone, and congrats to our medalists Bethany and Kye

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A medal winning athlete winning gold in for Well done to Bethany Shriever and Kye Whyte for taking gold and silver medals

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