Oho~ Ragisa ga senachkal itu kok... smalem tuh sbnernya buat ini guys~ 😳👉👈

Gimana mnurut kalian si lil ? Kawawi, gemesin, ato malah rasanya pengen di kar- uhnmm... diuyel2 maksudnya~ 😳👉👈✨💜

1 41

Ganbatte and congrats buat debutnya dedek . Gomen neesan ga bsa dateng soalnya ada stream juga, but yaaa... ini nee kasih kado kecil moga suka yahh~ 💜✨

Tuh direbutin Raka sama Rachan tuh pengen diuyel2 katanya 🤣

4 47

[#Ragisart | Huggy huggy with dede dere kesayangan~ ututu... (wanna change the eyes type, but this one's not quite good TT~TT I'll do my best next time) Hope you'll like it ✨💜

7 41

Yuhhuu~ hehe maap telat ya deh buat kadonya dek . But once again congrats buat debutnya!

Smoga kedepannya makin berkembang lagi channelnya, makin kreatif jga konten2nya, dan yg terpenting jangan lupa buat sayang ama nechan/ mommy yg stu ini yas~💜✨

2 41

HAAALUUU~ Kapan lagi kan bisa halu sama oshi sendiri~ ano... gomen ne my big puppy kayaknya kedepan bakal sering Ragisa halu'in 😳👉👈

Hope you'll like it~ 💜💜💜

Note: gomen ne Ragisa sengklek mode berakhir halu~

2 34

Once again Happy Birthday my Sakura hime ... sorry for the reaaallllyy late b'day present, but hope you'll like it~ 💜💜💜😊😊😊

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Special art for my lovely son thanks for always support and commish your mom~ 💜💜💜 and also don't forget to check his "Vampire" singing cover guys!!! Let's gave him our bunny poowwaa!!! 😊💜


1 8

I'm asking for headpat because I feel a little bit dizzy but instead of that I got this gorgeous fanart! Omg omg thank you for the amazing fanart! I really2 love it! 💜💜💜

I hope I could perform again 💜😊

3 26

Sorry for the late b'day gift~~ here for you, Happy birthday Hope you'll like it, sukses lalu kedepannya yaaahh~ ganbatte ne!! 😊💜

note: ada yang png, klo mau dm Ragisa aja ya Zu~

1 22

Here for you thanks for your support for all of vtubers out there, I really appreciate your hardwork because, even it's just a "single little things" for you... It means A LOT FOR US as a vtubers! Hope you'll like it~ 😊💜


3 27

Konnibunny minnaaa!!! I've just saw this one on my fanart channel at Bunny Hole lately and omg omg this is so cute!!! 😭😭😭😭💜💜💜💜 Thank you for the lovely fanart!!!

1 25

Konnibunny minnaa!! 💜😊
Gomen, Ragisa blakangan rada kurang aktif soalnya ada bbrapa WIP yang harus Ragisa kerjain ehheh~ so here's my halu time with my big puppy
Jill: "wanna get out for a date my lady?"🌹
You: *die + screaming inside*

1 20

Niitaaann!! Thanks for the fanart gift 😭😭😭💜💜💜 Gimana mau lupain niitan yang satu ini kalo ngasih hadiahnya ga pernah setengah2... guys, seriusan kalian harus nunggu waktu nanti niitan comeback! 😊💜
Artist: (on Instagram) and

2 20

WUUAAAAHH!!! NIITAANN ARIGATOUU!! AAAAKK This is so sweet and adorable~ sayang Niitan!😍😍😍💜💜💜

Makasih buat fanart sebelum Ragisa ganti kostumnya.. aaahh sukak banget ini huuuee~ 💜💜😭😭😭

Artist: https://t.co/u1yNfXOfrT

1 22

Wuuuaaaa Yandere gender bend Ragisa in White Day?! THIS IS SO LOVELY!! Thank you I really2 love this~ 💜💜💜 And you draw em so fast omg~ thanks my dear 💜😊

1 9

And here's my Mr. Valentine 💜
You ask me to be yabe and dominating? There you go my darlin~ hmm... but sorry I wouldn't kiss you, 'cause it's better to lick and taste you~ 💜😏


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