Happy Friday my dudes. 10% off ends at midnight. Code is
(this is the last time I'll plug my shop for a bit cause I know it's super annoying)

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I have bills to pay so I've just launched a flash sale. 10% off using code IAMTHENEXTMINISTERFORAGRICULTURE - valid till midnight Friday

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Wasn't sure you got this fanart since i shared it a place I couldn't tag , but now that I plan on posting art here, I figure I'd yeet it your way again - Hope you like it 🌻

I was drawing while rewatching your response to Pentragrin - love your content 💜👌

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Avi for @ deathzetsu

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ultragrim mom: ultraman zoffy
ultragrim dad: grimlock
ultragrim boyfriend/girlfriend: lerryn
ultragrim obbesion: song

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Kitty. He is collassal sized. Gijak goes as tall as his shoulders. His names Sharagrimalda. Gijak created him to protec his kingdom

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ulragrim transform into dinosaur

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ultragrim uses his own diamond star and power and transform into dinosaur or humans and both whatever he wanted to

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ultragrim colour and ultragrim emotional colour

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Remember everyone walking through their own hell
You know what your shit storms are like right?
Feel empathy, be forgiving and just let stuff go ✍️

Art by Soragrit Wongsa on https://t.co/XO7jbCAT2E

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Revamp for


RTs and Likes are appreciated

33 70

header for
-Likes&RT'S Appreciated!-
Portfolio https://t.co/4W81kRrpO8

32 63

grimm dragon

6 21