Here’s my trainer sona. I haven’t drawn one with my team yet but it’s furfrou, appletun, flygon, lapras, vaporeon, and shiny girafarig. My partner and I have decided that we also each have a raichu, mine being the alolan raichu.

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But what is reflected in the mirror is neither a Raikou nor even a Raichu.

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very drowsy raichu... 😪

artfight attack for !

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⚡Ladies and Gentlemen... meet the Thunder Rats: The Chu Twerk Team⚡
Pace the Pichu, Pedro the Pikachu, and Riley the Raichu.

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I drew Popper with his Pokémon team! Cillie the Granbull, Bonny the Arcanine, Annie the Audino, Edie the Zebstrika, Maisy the Croagunk, and Ragna the Alolan Raichu. Watch out elite four, a little tempest cleric is comin for ya!

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Serenity is an electrical engineer for the Gyms in the Johto/Kanto region and she specializes in electric types. LOVES the electric mice most of all and her long time partner is an Alolan Raichu. Very outgoing, loves warm colors and warm personalities.

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Quick sketch of Ena with a Raichu. Alolan Raichu is probably my favorite of the Pikachu line. x’D

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As a kid, I was obsessed with Pikachu. Now a days, I’m ram Raichu. Here is a raichu drawing, what do you think?#Pokemon

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No ideas for my renasisters at the moment, and I was in a mood. Have a

That is all.

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My friend has a small army of Pikachu and I have a small army of Raichu. We just think they're neat!

It's been a rocky few days, but I decided to unwind a lil by sketching our two favorites watching battle videos on a phone! :D

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My Pokémon challenge from was to draw Alolan Raichu. He’s my sweet lil’ guy

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Oct 31, 2014. By: ATMallmoney
[5 Yeahs!] [3 replies] (US)
"weird styled raichu... dunno how I feel about this one :/"

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Ya terminé el raichu.

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Repost from when I played Nuzzle Deck because I love Raichu.

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9. Alolan Raichu. Honestly, I think Raichu is better than Pikachu. I mean why wouldn’t I evolve one? Alolan Raichu though has such a soft and cuddly look with those colorations that I think I like it even more than o already did~ Psychic too!

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Pokemon Wol Bandwagon! :D I had trouble deciding what Pokemon resembles Ethy most. Srs Ethy would be a Marowak. Chill fun time with friends Ethy would def be a Raichu.

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I absolutely LOVE Kanto Raichu.

It's just so cuteeeee 💕

Don't get me wrong I love the alolan one so much too, but the Kanto one is so much better to me.

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