some frosty the snowman doodles from a while back! ☃️❄️

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Do you have any Christmas movie traditions? We watch all of the classics this time of year. I think it helps re-capture that childlike wonder. These guys are too much!

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The Miser Bros; Snow Miser and Heat Miser - The Year Without A Santa Claus (1974)
I swear, I've come to love these guys both ironically and unironically!

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My illustration from The Making of Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town book by Rick Goldschmidt.

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⛄ Frosty the Snowman

今日の👨‍🎨お絵描きは🎄クリスマスソング🎶をアニメ化した で〜す❄🎅

ランキンバスプロ作品ですが が制作を担当しました。🤔

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