Guess I should do more large scale projects eh? Not much growth for my artstation page this year.

1 10

I only started posting my art on there 2 months ago but I still wanna join this. 🤪

2 20

Thank you for ArtStation making this beautiful Recap for me. It is really helpful for me to check what I did in 2021. It also inspires me of how to improve myself in a better direction. I like ArtStation it is a great art community.

0 0

Big thanks to and for the community spaces this year, and just being all-around awesome dudes!

0 8

Estuvo movido este año! vamos por más!!!!
lets Go!

0 0


1 31

Time for a homemade

My top watched channels were

and I loved every minute, you're all awesome 💕

Categories... just Apex 😁

Most used emotes were 's, especially xdpersHype 🥳

0 9

개인작이 없는 달은 외주작업(공개됨)으로 대신했음 ^~^;
생각보다 1달에 2~3장씩 그린 날들이 많아서 공들인 작업물들 위주로 연말정산을 해봤다. 올해는 캐쥬얼풍이나 팬아트나 가벼운 그림을 많이 그렸는데..내년엔 좀 더 내 주요 포지션을 많이 그려야겠다

12 123

A triangle is a circle, a circle can be a square. Thanks everyone for this new exciting year, and soon new adventures !

1 35

มีสรุปงี้แล้วรู้สึกว่าปีหน้าต้องขยันกว่านี้แล้วล่ะ ✍️
Thanks for your support ! ❤️

0 5

I did a little bit more art this year than I thought~ ☺️

0 16