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Harris Reed
aw2024 RTW

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One last Reed before the year ends

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表紙の一部のラフです ギャビンはおとなしくするべきです、滞空中に騒いでると着地で舌を噛みますよ😃
手前にハンク&コナーを配置するので、この絵の足もとは少し隠れる構図になります 線画もできたので彩色頑張ります

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"Say. Reed... Is Bagpipe really just going now? Aren't you two friends?"
"Perhaps, come a day we will be, but not for now."
FC-7 After

89 498

Reed Richards of Earth 6160 also claims to have been trapped by Maker here for decades, so Reed is also older than Tony. Maybe Tony is the youngest on Tony's team at Earth 6160.

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ギャビンが驚く程描きやすいです 恐らく「ギャビンには何をやってもいい」というDBH世界の温かい共通認識が、筆を軽くしてくれてるのかもしれません 少々作画がアレになってもギャビンなので構いませんからね、ギャビンはかわいいですね

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oh it's Reed's birthday? here's an old piece i did in the meantime while i draw her fr (maybe) later today

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Happy Birthday Reed 🐉🔱

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Reed the Catnip

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Both Victor and Reed are close to Tony, which makes Hickman's Ultimate Universe Reed look very Tony friendly.

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Reed will be late this week so please enjoy this Bloodbath Podenco for now

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In recent Marvel Comics, I feel that more and more characters are being portrayed who understand the spiritual side of 616 Tony. Jim has always been the one who understands Tony, but recently Reed, Steve and Carol have been added and this group fits my interpretation very well.

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