Naoya College/Uni Au...Why the fuck is he becoming a comfort to draw when I mentally check out....this is such a reflection of my fucked up brain, finding comfort in the most repugnant characters....oh well

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Alguna vez hace tiempo, faray (supongo, no lo recuerdo) puso una encuesta donde daba aparición "Doritaz" ese día, yo hice un boseto repugnante de ella pero hoy me complace presentarles mi modelo oficial de esta bella dama

Dea re seria mira t hice mujer jaja

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Just a little Mary Goore to help me get thru the day

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“—Esa noche mi padre trajo a casa ese olor repugnante a humano, proveniente de un niño híbrido que le acompañaba. Mi sorpresa y enojo se hizo presente cuando pronunció sin filtros: Ahora cuidarás de tu pequeño medio hermano Inuyasha”

By. Mayka🌸

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I saw someone with like 4 followers post the repugnant take and it took every inch of my willpower to not ratio that dude to the next century.

I'm a good person. I do not participate in twitter lynch mobs. No matter how bad the tweet. I will NOT

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Não pedirei desculpas pelo teor escatológico porque não estamos em tempos de sutilezas.
Empresário: não associe a imagem da sua empresa ao ódio, ao preconceito e nem a figuras repugnantes.

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"I'm not going back in the closet!"

Blake the Bisexual Boxers faces off with his past demons. The Repugnant Wardrobe is wants to hide his identity in shame and hate but Blake has had enough!

Final piece made for I hope you like it!

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acho q eu vou fazer isso, vou encher de armadilha, colocar umas flechas e lanças, tentar fazer um efeito de chao subindo tipo uma armadilha de esmagar, e as armas desesperadas pra nao ficarem presas nesse lugar.

(elas nao se grudam ao yordle pq acham repugnante)

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En una ocasión hubo un concurso televisivo para elegir el Pokémon Bicho más repugnante. Las personas que participaron acabaron alzando a Wurmple por esos extraños bultos de su espalda.


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me || ideal me

só queria ter motivação suficiente pra tentar melhorar a minha aparência repugnante

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Hello my dears! 'u'
That's a teaser for an upcoming work about Mary Goore! On my Patreon you can find a spicy version. Hope you like it!

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Character designs from my new webcomic, The Repugnant Reaper.

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-La escena de las transformaciones es de las cosas mas repugnante mente crueles (si no es que la única) que haya visto.
Mas de una vez tuve que poner pausa-- la desesperación de Nanachi, las palabras de Mitty, y después ver el como comprobaron que esta es inmortal pfff...

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Zombeetle, the grave raider! Keep your cemeteries far away from this decaying fiend. Otherwise, he'll help himself to a truly repugnant feast! Beware his Tombstone Tackle attack!

Based on: carrion beetles, zombies

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Made and me Alpha and Omega sonas because I'm repugnant and godless

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Good People of Georgia: Patriot Party? They are all part of the problem. Give the Senate he needs to move America forward. Put an end to this repugnant Republican contagion.

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I'll be sure to avoid my microwave sona if I vie for your attention. Hopefully my Octopus Anteater Toaster character isn't too repugnant

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Above the ever-ruddy hues of the broiling atmosphere, the floating cities of Venus hang like pinnacles that reject the toxic miasma below. Within, the Genome Kingdom play God with the DNA of man, that many others find repugnant!
Many thanks to for the original image

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Repugnant to some and yet wonderfully detailed to others, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder

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>¿Alianza? JA- Por favor! ¿En serio creíste que me asociaría con una repugnante rata? <

Zeli Wicked es una desgraciada tOTAL- y así la amo uwu

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