画質 高画質

babu! Kira2 anniv taun ini shop gc di reset lagi ga ya jadi balik ke x2?? Sender skrg lagi nabung buat focalors tp posisinya jg pengen eula, sender juga posisinya rate on tapi ga ngarep banyak si eula pulang di early pity, sampe tadi sender gacha dan udh pity 50 blom (cont..)

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狮鹫 重置肌肉和羽毛进行中
Griffon-resets muscles and feathers wip https://t.co/bKQCMVvrGn

9 59

another timeline resets

116 840

another lil practice thing

idk sometimes i just need to do a face reset, cause i feel like i just slowly forget how to draw faces lmao

41 279

◎あなたのサークル「white×reset.」は 土曜日 西地区 “ま” ブロック 19b に配置されています。


95 182

6. Hyperreal

I use this style and made few closed up portrait.
The preset lighting is great.

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5. Abstract Curves

I love this preset. It can make any prompts work and looks unique.

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2. Vibrant

I love the colorful and spray paint effect on the art made with this preset.

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https://t.co/o9bc21SnbZ「foomii/有料メルマガ」『ASKAサイバニック研究所NEO』「■『Great-Reset』&『New World Order』の罠⑭」米国防総省が日本の自衛隊を最前線に自由に派兵出来るのは安倍(李)内閣が集団的自衛権を強行採決したからで台湾有事で自衛隊が米軍より最前線に出動する羽目に陥る!!

6 31


5 33

一旦git resetしてスヤァ・・・

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Day 4: Regeneration
cw gore

Armin hits reset

48 245

💜Good Morning peeps 💜

I'm trying to reset my sleep so I'm dead tired 😭 also no stream today cause exam schedules dropped 😭😭

How are you guys doing today 😩 Anything fun planned?

3 17

Might fuck around and reset my 2000-hour Animal Crossing island

18 194

Kiduku Futaba isn’t just a character. They're a cultural reset, it’s the oxygen you breathe, they're a lifestyle, a reason to breathe, an escape from this cruel world, they're art, the first gift you open on christmas, a hug from a loved one, everything you’ve ever wanted.

4 3

We are going live playing some Nikke, Maybe doing Weekly reset for pulls, Screaming of Interception and Union Raid bosses:

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Reminiscencia utilizara seeds a la hora de generar salas, Pokemon obtenibles y encuentros aleatorios

Esto se traduce a que resetear el juego tras guardar para obtener resultados diferentes es completamente inutil. No esta hecho para coleccionar o buscar shinies, just play!

16 246

ETO Spriteスナップ⑨

・Call of the void(phase3)
・False reset(sans)

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