there now I have draw KC wearing a Ribbon Girl themed mask~

7 19

just a bunch of family doodles
(pls click on the last one at least cause its a 3 panel comic and probably my fav ffff)

7 25

Im sorry I didnt put the same effort with pose, shading, and background into the Ribbon pic... this was that AU idea where KC is just a normal dude (with skateboard ARMS) and Ribbon is a bird girl~

7 25

they got caught in the rain somewhere

9 27

Art Trade with :D

It's... been too long since I've drawn some RibbonCobra. This was a good opportunity to change that 😌

4 11

well I got it colored
(idk what I was trying to do with the background/lighting....)

12 25

doodles hhhhh
(I might come back and color the last one....)

8 21

one last doodle before I head off to bed (maybe I'll clean it up and actually color it another time)

7 24

I tried doing a kinda swap with Ribbon and KC??
made her into a part bird person and KC is just a normal skater boy with skateboard ARMS

7 22

I want to practice getting better at creating atmosphere in my pics hhhhh
its been raining since last night here....

12 30

but its Godzilla and Mothra
(these were very fun to design hhhh)

14 51

haven't drawn the in a while but here is a little something for prom~

5 21

Was gonna have this finished by Valentine's Day but then I started going through some shit (I still am) so have this real fuckin' late soft RibbonCobra sketch~

3 12

do you ever just....
*tender looks of longing between people in love*

9 23

oh otp... you mean the world to me 🎀💖🐍

4 29

wow haven't drawn them napping together since last year.... how tragic.. had to change that

11 28

Ah, I forgot to post this lol
I colored a doodle I did for because yes

9 27

his hoodie has gotta be around somewhere right?....

7 29

Hey guess what?

Family staying inside on a cold winters day

5 16