Quis mudar um pouco a rotina e resolvi ler Strange Fake hoje.
Terminei o volume 1. Tendi nada, amei.
Esse negócio é extremamente promissor. Curioso pra ver o que vai ser dessa Guerra Falsa.

3 13

*gritando como uma garotinha histérica*

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0 1

Yo despues de usar al Rotinabo:

0 2

likes to suck carrots instead of bitting them.

That’s why created SrCarrotinho.

Let’s grow

6 10

should I get pfp and give it away between Proof of Degen Sr Carrotinho holders?

I am not joking 😈. What do u say?

134 277

Sooo I asked few days ago if u wanted dtiys and most of u said yes so here we go!
I was in the mood for stairs yes
I would love to see you participate in it and try to redraw it in your style :DD

Hope you like it 💕
Ah and rules below

28 82

—Why, you've got your mother's beautiful eyes and my strong chin

me brainroting abt 🍀sylvie's parents (ofc they're naturally dragons but I humanify them🤡🤡)

they won the worst parents ever award fr

2 22

Eu assisti o Anime Buddy Daddies e achei interessante, teve bastante ação, algumas partes fofinhas com a garotinha e mostra um pouco da personalidade da nossa dupla, o Loiro é o dono de casa dedicado o outro é emburrado, não tá nem aí pra nada.
Gostei e vu acompanhar.

1 8


sent from MandelBrowser 3.4 for Android

1 8

I remember drawing this vers. With hytlo minion as a basic amairotine bc i didn't want to spoil some of them who still weren't done with msq BUT I DONT REMEMBER WHERE I PUT THE VERSION WITH NORMAL HYTLO LMAO

0 4

Today, I'm thinking of Tinky the rabbit, friend of and . Many in the and RetroTink community consider Tinky to be the lovable mascot of the retro gaming hobby. Thank you, Tinky, and happy birthday! We will always remember you with love.

3 45

Uma junção curiosa entre uma garotinha que quebrou uma jarra por acidente, e uma raposa ancestral presa dentro dela. Definitivamente uma história que eu leria! Comm pro meu amigo Biel (que só entra no tt pra pegar memes e não me mandou @ >:( )

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it's extremely hard to choose only four bc I'm currently brainroting on 5 at the same time and most them aren't even here https://t.co/S9t7i4hWxx

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new art (repost pq esqueci das tags)

acabou a espera garotinho, pode apreciar essa arte a vontade


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Ahh Meta-Carrotina

1 17

Opa sou e utimamente estou atrás de uma rotina melhor para desenhar com mais frequência :)

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