yes please play it heres rouguefort cookie hes a lesbian

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I wanna share my first character. This is Eurus (pronounced Eh-vros) We've been playing for long enough to have our own running gag: everytime we stumble upon a group of people that look hostile, me (the bard) and the rougue say we were looking for the bathroom...

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Ok! Rouguefort Cookie decided to steal the victory to the Timekeeper and won the poll!

He's also one of my favorites!

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les traigo un remake de un dibujo del 2010! Exacto! Cuando era mucho más fan de sonic xd💕 rougue es de mis personajes favs💕✨ tenía tanto sin dibujar mobian, pero me gusto bastante el resultado! 💕

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"Gotham's Biggets Rougues"
this was just a silly idea that took almost a day to complete haha

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Chilli Pepper and/or Rouguefort - Thief or Outlaw

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Idk if I should redeem Passion Rougue Ranmaru or the Evil villains one ;-; help

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(Ill protect you!)
S-so ummm ,,,,,soul night husbando,,,,hihi rougue is bb

Also haha im back at playing the soul night game,,,, ( )

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Planeo hacer un cómic, pero cuando me de tiempo, ya tengo un sketch de la primera parte pero tengo otras cosas que terminar.
La historia está escrita por RougueShadowWolf.
Acá pueden encontrarlo:

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"if you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pictures that expose your taste in women."

-strong af and loud, but will push you to be better
-quiet, gloomy, but soft and will protect
-freedom fighter/rougue type with fellow gays
-chill (and not so chill) vampire singer bicon

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Had to post this one again bc I spelled my girl's name ''roUgue'' lol.................... anyway ~

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Cookie run art dump, did these for Cookie a Day a while back. I love these cookies :)))
In order :
1. Chilli pepper cookie with Cotton candy cookie
2. Rouguefort cookie
3. Pink Choco Cookie
4.Cherry Blossom Cookie

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ARPG+Rougue game in my game project. This is player job

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I'm presenting you THE SPAWN OF CHAOS aka that mess that is my party: meet, from left to right, Louiram the rougue; Olin the eldritch knight; Meriele the cleric and Phoenix the sorcerer.
Exucuse the nakedness, armors are hard to draw 😂

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Ora que se traen con eso de la Amy vestida de rougue😂,
De la nada se popularizó en un ratito nmms no los entiendo.
A pero bien que también les sigo la corriente 😂😂😂😂💧

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So huh?
legit hype. I'm down for the replayability and the rouguelikeness. Sprinkle a dust of metroid and its GotY material. Also that pairing of and is just 👌🏼

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Muy contento porque esta ilustración estará en... "Tales of Rougues" de y espero dar más buenas noticias pronto.

I'm so proud because this illustration will be in 'Tales of Rougues' comic and maybe I will have more good news in a few weeks.

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Do you love videogames? So do we! A while back I had the incredible opportunity to interview the creators of the dungeon crawler, rougue-lite game HADES. Check out the interview at SATURDAY PM issue 4.

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