This is art for the Prologue of How Many Second Chances Will We Get written by adhduck​!! for podcastbigbang​!

A link and a summary will be down below to both the fic and the gorgeous podfic made by guinevere01! 🥰

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020 | Pain management

i know that Azu has healing magic but im also in pain and wish i had a heating pad, Azu and Hamid make a wonderful proxy.

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015 | Pocket Sized

ok this ones certainly niche but i can’t stop thinking about pocket sized Hamid, safe travels little man

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012 | Oh my love

This was originally a more melancholy one but then i saw a hazu picture and i was filled with so much joy and love, absolutely 180′d my day 🥰

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shrimp emotions about ancient rome!sasha

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004 | Well pick him up he can’t see

today is a redraw because i just love it, Azu’s little :3c the giggle, perfection✨

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