

- A Sonic Heroes rewritten SL brought to the verse by your’s truly.

- Main cast needed, OC’s welcome.

- SL document located below.

- Comment if interested!

SL adored by Kitty. ♡︎


37 50

Lewd Michiru

Get the unsencored version here: https://t.co/JqaHCHrruM

Or pledge to get the unwatermarked version!

119 697

Here is Esil From Solo Leveling

I m still bad at draws , but i think it starting to look good

Unsencored vers of ALL my lewd for a simbolical single dollar on my patreon. Commission open too

0 1

“Here comes trouble!” I fixed the previous drawing and added the second picture for y’all.

4 18

Working on the John Blacksad mmd model. For some reason Twitter wants to show his waist. So I sencored nothing XD

1 0

1Style main,parfois 'collage like' change svt
2Style 'dure' couleurs pas mélangées simple/rapide
3Style 'peinture', parfois un peu plus réaliste, pasencoremaîtrisérrip
4Style 'stylisation', en travail dpuis hier jspssigarde

J'ai d'autres styles + mineurs, mais bon mdr

1 5

Blue Dragon Goblin Adoptable 💎🌿
This is an auction!

SB: 50$
AB: 120$

Please respond to bid here reply by me, and to previous bidder under if there are any!
You will be sent unsencored version w/o watermark, and have the rights to the character design.

21 79

Voilà un petit moment que je n'ai rien poster par ici.
Du coup voilà un petit dessin pour me rattraper ! ♥
En espérant qu'il vous plaise !

7 6

i wish to be there so bad 😍 what an amazing performance from them. THE BED SCENE is EVERYTHING

170 160

Lo termine!, un día después (almenosencoreaaquiyaes9xd) pero lo termine el regalo Uwu(AlfinalnolepuseunletrerodefelizcumpleañosyaquenomegustocomoseveiaasíquelmejorlepuseMicDrop)
Happy B-day! Yoongi!

5 16