A small drawing that I do of intelleon, my only problem with this poke is the body shape, but I like the rest a lot

2 1

Someday I'll have my beautiful toxic red panda

5 6

Apple-weighs-a-tun Or something Clever like that :')

Real talk I LOVE this fat apple dragon

51 181

Galar has a lotta good old person rep

Can You Defeat My Three Powerful Grandparents?

4 33

New pokemon, same me
Nickit's already grown on me so much so -w-;;
I'll share but once you commit Im not stopping until /I/ KNOW you're full~

Also SwShSpoiler / Spoiler maybe? They're on the very first route

82 344

"Nickit, are you wearing the Ch-"
The Chanel Boots? Yeah. I am.

6 20

My team for Pokemon Sword might just end up being a band with how things are going

53 294

I love Cinderace but one part of their design bugs me

13 45