Happy behold my string bean and his deceptive tiny tongue-out face happy birthdayeve!

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If you're curious, here's my inspiration: the photobooth app on the iPad monstrosity series

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Happy Another monstrosity in the works.

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Happy I dig my monstrosities. Here's a few thru the progress.

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Happy I've got so many projects in so many drawing apps on so many devices omg omg omg

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Kyrie Eleison! On a highway in the night! 4/22

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This work in progress has been sitting still for weeks......

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One of my favorite cups inanimate object challenge 4/20

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Happy folks. Don't freak out I had a blast creating this monstrosity!

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Happy more sweet super Oliver Sacks

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I dunno, more concept coloring.

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gonna go ahead and call this one done. spent too much time on it already haha

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baby sarracenias on my windowsill botanical theme 4/14

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Happy drew a pretty dead dandelion using mostly new brushes. Original on iPad not online so ehh? Time to use filters!! Weeee!

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Continued work on this for

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